Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 5: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

Nada II

Key Moments:

  • Jack watches as a white sheet is put over Tony’s corpse. Chloe has found the name Collette Stenger on Henderson’s hard drive. Jack calls Curtis and says he is going with him.
  • Martha makes one last plea to Charles to not put soldiers in the streets. Logan goes in front of the cameras and imposes a curfew in LA.
  • Homeland Security enters CTU. That prick, Miles, takes Chloe’s keycard and sits at Edgar’s desk.
  • Wayne reappears and calls Pierce and asks for a discreet meeting.
  • Collette leaves the hotel and heads to her meeting with Bierko.
  • Within minutes Bill has figured out that Karen is there to shutdown CTU.
  • Jack and Curtis waste no time rushing into Collette’s hotel room. When the room is empty, Jack moves the search to the roof. Theo jumps Curtis and takes his gun. Jack gets in a standoff with Curtis in between. Theo puts his gun down when Curtis shows his badge. Theo is German intelligence and does not want to give up Collette.
  • Jack is on his own with trying to convince Theo to give up Collette. Jack sends Curtis out of the room and begins. He offers Theo the wet list of terror suspects around the world. This is something America has never given Germany before so Theo accepts. Jack tells Chloe that he needs that super secure list. Chloe no longer has access so she has to go old school. She spills coffee on Miles and downloads the list when he goes to cleanup. Jack shows the list to Theo and Theo says they need to head to the airport.
  • Collette and Bierko complete their transaction. It’s nice to see one of these shady transactions completed without one of them killing the other when it’s done.
  • Bill, Karen, and Miles confront Chloe about what she downloaded. She tells them and they all freak out.
  • Jack is hanging out in the back of Theo’s car when Karen calls. Theo makes Jack put it on speakerphone. Jack yells Karen down, while having Theo at gunpoint. Jack is going through with the deal. Collette enters the parking lot. Theo gets her out of her car and Jack and Curtis rush in for the arrest. Jack gives Theo the list and sends him on his way. In the last bit of awesomeness, the memory card he gave Theo corrupts itself. Jack calls to apologize but Theo hangs up. Theo should be waiting for Jack in Germany in the 24 movie!
  • Jack questions Collette. She wants to talk to Jack alone so she can buy Jack … HAHAHAHA! Silly fool. He tells her to name her price and, of course, it is full immunity. He calls Karen with the request and tells her to get off his ass because he didn’t give the wet list to anyone.
  • Wayne spots headlights following him. A van pulls up on the side of him and shoots out one of his tires. Wayne’s car drives off the side of the road and flips over. He crawls out of the wreckage and makes a break for it.
  • Collette says her source is Audrey Raines.


None this hour

Running Totals:

Middle of the season hour

1 comment:

  1. I'm no doctor, but I bet they'd check to see if someone is actually dead or just fake dead before they put a white sheet over his head.

    But then CTU has bad doctors.
