Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 3: 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

Not this hour

Returning Characters:

  • Brad Hammond (6am – 7am of season 2)

Key Moments:

  • When they arrive back at CTU, Chloe tells Chase about his baby drama and Chappelle has words with Jack about the Big H.
  • Nina’s interrogation begins. Tony takes the lead with Michelle watching the feed with a tech. Fantastic scene follows with Tony stoically letting Nina go on the attack before he makes his move. When he tells Nina about Alvers being HIV positive, the tech says she reacted poorly to the info probably due to lots of unprotected sex with that sexy chemist.
  • Amador meets with and hands the virus over to Alvers.
  • Chappelle doesn’t allow Jack back to work. First he has to explain his actions to the legal counsel.
  • Tony sends in the CTU pain giver to the stonewalling Nina.
  • Jack gives us the Bauer scream after he gets tired of having his actions questions, but when Chappelle moves in to cover his ass Jack doesn’t agree to this and wants the truth on the record.
  • Wayne tells David that Alan is dead. They both come to the same conclusion. David confronts Sherry and after a denial she comes clean.
  • Nina’s secret plan is to stab herself in the neck with Agent Richard’s big ass needle.
  • Tony leaves Nina to the doctors and goes to update Jack. Jack freaks out that Nina is not being watched and his paranoia comes to life when the alarm goes off. Jack finds a horror show of dead doctors in medical. Kim starts wandering the halls and, of course, finds Nina ripping shit out of wall in one of the server rooms. Nina is so awesome that she is exasperated and asks Kim to leave before she has to shoot her. Kim refuses to leave, Nina raises her gun, and Jack puts one in Nina’s shoulder. After sending Kim out of the room, we get an all-time scene with Jack telling Nina that she has no more information and uses her weak grab at her gun as an excuse to put 3 more bullets in her. RIP Nina Myers.


  • Chase’s baby was literally left on his doorstep by her mother. Does this shit really happen? And what if Chase wasn’t home and on assignment? Would the baby have starved to death?
  • Fuck yeah CTU Medical! There is nothing ridiculous about it but it will bring so much ridiculousness next season that I wanted to shout out its introduction.

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (16)

  • CTU pain juice is used on Nina.

Jack’s body count: 1 (53)

  • Jack finally ends Nina’s life.

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