Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 3: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

No time

Returning Characters:

No freaking time

Key Moments:

  • The broken Saunders is helping Chloe identify the courier.
  • While the subway patrons are being lead past an imaging station, Saunders is giving the yea or nea to each face. Oh yeah, Gael’s wife walks right past Saunders pulls a gun and shoots him.
  • Through tears, Wayne tells David about the deadness of his ex-wife.
  • While setting up another way to find the courier, Jack and Chase share a down moment. Chase tells him that he is leaving the field because he doesn’t want to be detached from the people he loves. Jack is bemused at the whole idea because Jack is a super soldier and he needs the field to be alive.
  • Jack looks right at the courier, turns away, and when he looks back he is gone. Jack flips out and everyone goes running. They find a path of dead bodies leading to a carjacking.
  • Michelle thinks of some bullshit excuse to get Hammond to put Tony back in play.
  • In the continuing escalation of 24 finale craziness, here we go. We get a solid car chase with lots of squealing tires that ends with the courier running into a school. Jack sends all the CTU agents throughout the school. Jack sweetly points his gun at a classroom of scared kids. He also walks past a conspicuous glass refrigerator. Chase gets jumped in a chemistry lab. He gets his ass kicked but Chase locks the virus to his wrist. The courier sets the timer and goes to shoot Chase but Jack puts many bullets in him. Jack gets bomb disposal advice and starts working on Chase’s new wrist accessory. Jack cuts a wire but the timer doesn’t stop. He is told to look for a green wire but doesn’t find one. In one of my favorite moments in 24 history, Jack’s eyes lock on something over Chase’s shoulder then looks away. Chase follows his gaze and spots the fire ax. He tells Jack to do it. Jack won’t but Chase says it’s okay. Chase ties off his own arm and Jack breaks the glass to get the sweet sweet ax. Jack makes the chop, Chase passes out, and Jack takes the device, calls for medical help, then runs back to that fridge we saw, he puts the bomb in allowing us to watch it goes off ruining a bunch of people’s lunches.
  • Tony gets hauled off to the clink.
  • David calls Jack to personally thank him and to tell him that he won’t be seeking reelection. He says they should be friends as private citizens … I WANTED TO SEE THAT!
  • After hugging Kim, Jack heads out to his SUV for some alone time. We get his famous breakdown where he cries, bangs the window, and cries some more. He is given all of a minute before he is called back to duty.


  • What the fuck is Gael’s wife doing inside CTU during the middle of a grave terrorist threat? And how the hell did she get a gun into CTU?

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 1 (58)

  • Jack saves his little buddy’s life before maiming him for life.

Jack the Butcher: 1 (5)

  • Ax v wrist

The healing power of Jack tears: 1 (7)

  • Jack has had a hard day.

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