Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day 5: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

None here

Returning Characters:

None here II

Key Moments:

  • Jack convinces Bill, Audrey, and eventually Lynn that he can get to Walt Cummings. He says he will use Mike Novick to get close to Walt.
  • While Logan, Walt, and Mike watch a nerve gas demonstration video, Jack sends Mike a text asking for a private phone call. Mike excuses himself and calls Jack. Jack gets Mike to agree to a private meeting when he drops the name Walt Cummings.
  • Jack says goodbye to Diane and Derek. Forever.
  • Nathanson plays Walt a recording of the phone call between Jack and Mike.
  • Pierce tracks down Martha in the stables. She begs him for help and says it’s about David Palmer’s murder.
  • Schaeffer does something shady to Erwich’s canisters. Erwich confronts him when he leaves the container but Schaeffer lies about his actions.
  • Audrey calls Jack and pleads with him not to leave her again. Well…
  • Walt admits to Logan that he leaked the location of the nerve gas. He uses politics to sway Logan into agreeing to let the terrorists take the nerve gas so they can release it remotely and kill all the terrorists in Russia. Logan realizes that Walt had Palmer assassinated and is horrified. Walt switches tracks and threatens Logan’s presidency if he doesn’t agree to his plans.
  • Before Jack and Mike can begin their secret woodlands meeting, a helicopter and phalanx of Secret Service agents arrive and arrest them both.
  • Pierce sees a handcuffed Jack being led into a building. He finds out that it is on the orders of Walt Cummings.
  • Lynn tells CTU that the White House has ordered them off the nerve gas investigation. Bill dresses him down in front of everybody then does it again in private. Lynn agrees to disregard the order.
  • Jack talks with Pierce before being moved to a detention facility. He tells him what he knows about Palmer and the nerve gas. He even uses the phrase coup d’etat, which is always awesome.
  • In a scene that is beyond description, Pierce walks Jack right into Logan’s office. Jack wastes no time in beating the shit out of Walt right in front of Logan. After beating him down, he drags him against a wall. Logan admits to knowing what’s going on, but Jack says there is more to it than that. To prove his point, he takes out his knife and puts it to Walt’s eye saying he will remove one then the other then move on to other parts. Walt cracks and gives up the location of the gas. They send the location to CTU and Jack and Pierce offer Logan their resignations. Logan tells Pierce to get Walt out of his sight. Logan and Jack share some awkward time where Logan tries to defend himself, says Jack being alive is a problem, and Jack promises to disappear once the gas is found.
  • Charles catches up to Martha before she is driven off to the sanitarium. He apologizes but that is not enough for Martha after what he has done.
  • CTU is tracking the canisters and Jack identifies Erwich.
  • The CTU unit (lead by no one with a name, where is Baker?) enters the shipping container to find Shaeffer dead and empty boxes where the canisters should have been. Jack screams for Walt to be dragged back into the room. Walt says that Schaeffer was his inside man and Erwich must have figured it out. Erwich calls with threats against everyone.


Too awesome for anything ridiculous

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (28)

  • Walt gets a beating and some knife play.

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