Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 4: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

None this hour

Returning Characters:

None this hour II

Key Moments:

  • CTU has tracked Navi to the basement laundry room. Driscoll informs Jack that there is a chute that a man can fit into if one were inierested.
  • Curtis begins the questioning of Marianne by wheeling in Henry’s dead body. He tells her that she is expendable and working with CTU is her best option. She says she worked for Henry directly and that he kept a file on his computer as insurance.
  • Jack takes a ride down the chute using Dina’s phone call to Navi as a distraction.
  • While Navi rants and raves to Dina about what they are doing today, Jack drops into the room. The rigs bumps against the chute when CTU attempts to retract it and Navi investigates. Jack is waiting for him. He takes him down and disarms him. While Jack and Navi continue to scuffle, Behrooz picks up Navi’s gun and shoots his father in the back. Tony bursts in and he and Jack get Behrooz to drop the gun. Dina gives them an address where the attacks were planned.
  • Curtis brings Marianne’s information to Driscoll and Heller. Audrey says that Curtis should take Marianne into the field to check it out. Discoll is unhappy about losing Curtis around the office, probably because she is awful at her job. Lacking any support at the office, Driscoll asks the woman she tortured, Sarah, to come back to work.
  • Jack and crew arrive at the address Dina provided. He and Tony burst into the building to find an empty room. Eventually Jack spots a power cord snaking underneath the floorboards. They find blueprints for all the attacks that have happened so far.
  • Edgar and Sarah look into who owns the building Jack is investigating. Sarah calls Jack to tell him that the company that owns the building is run by Paul Raines. Jack calls Audrey to find out where Paul is and asks her to keep him in LA until Jack can “question” him.
  • In a scene where I could cry from the awesomeness, Jack asks Tony to go back to CTU to lead the interrogation of Dina. Tony says that they would never allow him to step foot back into CTU. Jack tells him that he is the only one he trusts and that over the last couple of hours he saw his friend come back to life. He asks Tony if he wants to be reinstated. Tony doesn’t know. Jack walks away and talks about working for Heller. Tony finally says thanks. Jack tells Agent Castle that Tony will be driving his car.
  • Audrey tells Jack that she is meeting Paul at the hotel so he won’t leave. Jack is against this.
  • Heller brings the reinstatement of Tony to Driscoll and she agrees.
  • Tony brings the remaining Arazs into CTU. Driscoll tosses Dina’s ass into holding. She hands Tony a gun and clearance. After Tony walks away, she turns to Sarah and wants her to spy on Tony. Sarah agrees but wants her record expunged and a big ass raise.
  • Audrey knocks on Paul’s door and they begin an awkward conversation.
  • Marianne and Curtis arrive at Henry’s office. She gets to work looking for the file on his computer. Before she can get past the second level of password protection, the 2 CTU guards are dead and armed men burst into the office. Marianne is killed and Curtis is questioned at gunpoint about his knowledge of the override.
  • Paul realizes that Audrey is stalling for time and when blocks her way to the door Jack barges in and backs Paul against a wall. Paul acts tough so Jack punches him in the face.


Quick hour

Running Totals:

Like I said quick hour

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