Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 6: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

Move along

Returning Characters:

Move along II

Key Moments:

  • Doyle sidelines Jack because we need to prove that Doyle is a dick as much as possible.
  • Bill updates Daniels on nuke drones.
  • Gredenko tells Victor to get the first drone in the air. He tells Fayed that they need to take the other 2 nukes out of the desert. Hooray for bad CGI of a drone launch.
  • Morris finds the drone on satellite, but in the time it takes to talk with the military they lose the drone. Everyone freaks out.
  • Victor calls Gredenko and tells him that he has accessed CTU and hid the drone.
  • Lennox updates Daniels on the drone. Instead of dealing with it, Daniels wants to assemble the Joint Chiefs so he can start bombing motherfuckers. And by bombing he means nukes. Lennox squirms.
  • Jack and Doyle arrive back at CTU and everyone is trying to identify targets.
  • Marilyn is still hanging out at CTU and tries to kiss and hug Jack. He doesn’t reciprocate and tells her he needs to speak with Audrey. She tells him that Audrey died in China. Jack walks straight to Chloe and hangs up her phone. She apologizes but they thought he was going to be killed by Fayed. Jack wants Audrey’s file now.
  • Karen is back at the bunker and has a little chat with Lennox. Daniels and Lisa talk about how they can exclude Karen from their plans to bomb the world to smithereens.
  • Daniels convenes the round table of blowing shit up. Ethan says that Fayed is nationless but Daniels will not be denied and says they are blowing up the unnamed country. Karen argues against it but Daniels just dismisses everyone.
  • Chloe tells Bill that CTU has a leak that is preventing them from tracking the drone. Doyle points to Nadia first. Milo argues over the racism but in that time Chloe has checked her system and proven that it is the source of the leak. Doyle starts choking Nadia but Bill calls him off.
  • Gredenko and Victor talk and say that the drone will detonate in San Francisco in 20 minutes.
  • Wayne is still alive and Karen is talking to Dr. Welton. Wayne is in an induced coma but Karen wants him to wake him up. Dr. Welton says this will be dangerous and would need Sandra’s okay.
  • Morris traces the tap to a location blocks away from CTU.
  • Doyle is interrogating Nadia. He chokes her for a bit but she tells him that he enjoys hurting people. Milo calls him off to say that they have an address. Nadia is sad that Milo doesn’t believe her. Boo hoo terrorist.
  • Jack is in medical getting taped up. And by taped up I mean his entire torse is wrapped in bandages. All the agents mounting up interrupt his reading of Audrey’s file. He finds out about the location of the drone pilot. He tells Bill he is finishing this then finding the people who killed Audrey.
  • Jack and Doyle prep their assault and head in. They kill their way to Victor. Jack takes him out but doesn’t kill him. Jack gets on the controls and tells Bill that the target is San Francisco. Jack has 30 seconds to stop it from crossing the perimeter and detonating. Jack plays video games and beats the level. The drone lands and catches on fire.
  • The San Francisco response team finds readings of radioactive material.
  • Bill updates Daniels that they stopped the drone from detonating. Since there was a leak, Daniels still views this as a successful attack and is going to respond. No argument can stop him.


  • Jack landing the drone was just horrific animation.

Running Totals:

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (16)

  • Milo asks Chloe to check Morris’ breath. She does this by walking up and kissing him. Milo smirks at her because he recognizes the awesome.

Mole: 1 (13)

  • Nadia is accused of leaking satellite access to Gredenko.

Jack’s body count: 2 (151)

  • Jack takes out Victor’s guards.

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