Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 6: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Bruce Carson (Michael Reilly Burke): 24’s favorite character idea of the “patriot” who is killing the President for the good of the nation.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Jack is the chopper heading towards the spot where Morris was kidnapped. Nadia informs Bill that Graem is dead and Bill relays that to Jack. Milo tells Bill that Chloe is too emotional so Bill sidelines her.
  • Morris hilariously tells McCarthy that they know exactly who he is and what he has done today. McCarthy hears Jack’s chopper and tells Rita to drive like a maniac. They eventually pull underneath an underpass blocking them from Jack’s vision. McCarthy steals another vehicle while Morris pleads with Rita. Jack has the chopper land on top of a couple of semis, in an awesome shot, and runs towards the underpass. McCarthy and friends drive off in the stolen truck seconds before Jack reaches them. Milo says they have no way to track them without knowing what they stole. Fayed calls McCarthy with an address and after McCarthy plugs it into the GPS, Rita kills him. Morris thinks he is saved but Rita decides that she wants to get into the terrorist dealing business.
  • Wayne talks with Lennox after the cabinet meeting to try to explain to him why he keeps denying his plan but wants him to stay on board. Lennox leaves the meeting and immediately flips out in front of Reed. He tells him that he is going to resign. Reed leaves the office and calls Carson and they discuss their shady plans.
  • Marilyn and Josh arrive at CTU and Bill tells her that Graem has died. She is not too bothered with the news.
  • Jack calls CTU after finding McCarthy’s dead body. He sends McCarthy’s phone data to Milo.
  • Rita delivers Morris to Fayed. Fayed nails Morris and tells Rita that she will stick around until Morris completes his task. Morris is scared shitless but says he won’t do it. The beating commences and Rita has to stand there and watch.
  • Milo can’t crack McCarthy’s phone, so Chloe volunteers her help. They talk tech to sound smart and she finds an address. Jack is on his way.
  • Assad is brought into the Presidential bunker. Wayne and Assad have a fantastic argument about what should be told to the public.
  • Jack and Turner discuss how they should approach the apartment complex. Jack has Chloe trigger a fire alarm to get people out of the building.
  • In mid-torture of Morris, the fire alarm goes off and Fayed realizes that CTU has arrived. He tells his people to stay and turns back to Morris. He takes an automatic drill to Morris’s shoulder and shoots Rita in the head when she asks to leave. Morris finally cracks.
  • Reed meets with Lennox and starts feeling him out on his and Carson’s shady plans. Lennox tells him that he is not in favor of removing Wayne from office. Reed says they are not talking a legal removal; it is more about a sudden removal by force. Lennox can understand assassination talk.
  • After the fire alarm empties the building, Jack says Fayed is on the 6th floor.
  • Morris is still working as Fayed starts worrying about CTU reaching them.
  • Jack and CTU move through the building.
  • Morris finishes and Fayed brings a nuke into the room. He wants Morris to prove his work and the bomb is armed. Fayed tells his man to kill Morris, but CTU bursts through the door at that moment. A whole bunch of video game violence takes place with Jack taking people out with a shotgun. They don’t grab Fayed but they do find the bomb. Jack opens the suitcase and says, “CTU, this is Bauer, we have a problem.”
  • Chloe talks Jack through the bomb. Turner tells Jack that Fayed escaped through a hole in the closet and a helicopter took off in the area. Jack’s hands are shaking as he starts playing around with switches. He turns off the triggering mechanism with seconds to spare. Morris tells Jack that Fayed can trigger the rest of the bombs with what he built. Jack’s disgust at Morris is fantastic.
  • After hearing about Fayed having a trigger for the bombs, Lennox has a change of heart and is now willing to discuss Reed’s plan.


  • No one in their right mind would approach someone about Presidential assassination without knowing that that person was 100% in. Because once you bring it up, they either say yes or you have to kill them. This plot is stupid.
  • If CTU knows a helicopter took off near the apartment Fayed was in, shouldn’t they have been tracking it?

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (41)

  • Morris gets his ass kicked with bats, submerged in a tub of water, and then Fayed switches to an automatic drill.

Jack’s body count: 2 (144)

  • Jack takes out 2 of Fayed’s men with his sweet new shotgun.

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