Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 6: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Ethan Kanin (Bob Gunton): Holy shit! I didn’t know Ethan was introduced back in season 6. He is another great character actor who is one of the guys in the cabinet.
  • Dr. Welton (Jim Holmes): The doctor who works on Wayne throughout the day.
  • Lisa Miller (Kari Matchett): Daniels’ aide and a little bit more.
  • Anatoly Markov (John Noble): It’s another talented actor popping in for a quick role. Markov is much closer to Denethor than Dr. Bishop for Noble.

Returning Characters:

  • Yuri Suvarov (5pm – 6pm episode of season 5)

Key Moments:

  • Wayne is wheeled into the medical center of the bunker. Hopefully they are better at their jobs than CTU.
  • Jack has dressed up as a Secret Service agent and gets into the car with Logan. As Logan chatters away, Bill calls Jack with the assassination attempt on Wayne Palmer. Bill tells Jack that Assad is the suspect while also being dead.
  • Dr. Welton reports to the cabinet the seriousness of Wayne’s condition. Ethan pushes for Daniels to take over the Presidency. After the meeting, Ethan asks Reed about Lennox. When Reed can’t adequately cover the absence, Ethan sends security looking for him. Reed runs back to the boiler room and still argues that Lennox shouldn’t be killed. He talks to Lennox directly and gets him to agree to cover it up. Lennox leaves the room and turns Reed and Carson in to the first Secret Service he spots.
  • Lisa Miller greets Daniels’ plane lands and him. He talks to Bill about Logan.
  • Logan and Jack reach the Russian consulate and split up. Logan meets with Markov alone. Logan brings up the name Gredenko immediately. Markov denies so Logan moves to blackmail and says that he will tell Suvarov about Markov’s involvement in season 5’s shenanigans. Markov continues to deny so Logan apologizes for his tactics and leaves. Logan tells Jack that Markov knows. Markov calls Gredenko to tell him what the Americans know. Jack calls Chloe and tells her to cut the power to the Russian consulate. Logan says the obvious when he tells Jack that his problems started when he violated the Chinese consulate!
  • While hanging out at the air force base, Bill calls Karen to tell her about the assassination attempt. She says she has to go back to the bunker.
  • When Daniels reaches the bunker, Ethan greets him and tells him about Lennox’s allegations.
  • Lennox is being interrogated and they are not being kind to him. Daniels walks into the room and talks to Lennox privately. We get the first instance of Daniels' crazy rage. He wants to and will blame Assad for the assassination attempt. Lennox recognizes the politics going on and confronts Daniels. Daniels tells him to either go along with Daniels or try to clear Assad’s name.
  • Jack walks back to the consulate. Chloe gives him a 60 second window and he gives her the go ahead. He heads in and gets into Markov’s office. When the power comes back on, Markov presses his panic button. Jack knocks him out and calls out that he is holding the consul hostage. He calls Bill with his insane situation.
  • Daniels sits at the Presidential desk. Bill calls him with Jack’s predicament. President Suvarov is already calling Daniels. Daniels says he is speaking for Wayne. After Suvarov makes his diplomatic threats, Daniels responds that they believe Markov has knowledge of Gredenko.
  • Jack is beating on Markov. Markov says he hasn’t spoken to Gredenko since he entered the United States. Jack tells him that he never said Gredenko was in the United States. Jack brings out the cigar cutter. He goes through with his threat and chops off one of Markov’s fingers. Jack switches to the gun and Markov says Gredenko is in the desert launching drones. They will launch in 2 hours but before Jack can call it in, the Russians blow through the door and take Jack prisoner.
  • Morris access Russian data and finds out that Jack was captured. Bill tells Nadia to get a rescue plan in order.
  • While being held in a room, Jack tells his guard what Markov is involved in. The guy believes him and Jack asks him to call CTU with the information. He leaves the room to make the call but another Russian shoots him before he is connected to Bill.


  • If the Russian guard was calling from his cell phone, why did he feel the need to leave the room and expose himself to the rest of the consulate?

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (42)

  • After all these seasons, Jack finally uses a cigar cutter.

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