Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 6: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

None II

Key Moments:

  • The Ambassador is brought back into the bunker to meet with Wayne and Assad. Wayne explains his plan and when the Ambassador balks, Wayne switches to telling him that all of his advisors want him to bomb the shit out of his unnamed country.
  • Jack calls Bill with the new information he got from his father. He finds out that Logan is under house arrest, which Jack gives a great pause as he processes this. Jack sends Marilyn and Josh back to CTU.
  • Reed walks Carson through security into the bunker. He tells him that Lennox tried to expose them. They get to the boiler room and Lennox is tied to a pipe with his mouth taped. Reed argues against killing Lennox. He claims they are not cold-blooded killers … wait what?
  • Jack meets grizzly bearded Charles Logan at his retreat. Logan claims he wants nothing in return for his help. He tells Jack that they need to speak with the Russian consulate, Markov. He is Gredenko’s contact. Logan wants to speak with Markov personally since he has leverage on him.
  • Jack calls Wayne with this plan and Wayne is pissed to even deal with Logan. Jack tells him there is no other lead. Wayne speaks with Charles and their conversation is phenomenal. They are holding 2 different dialogues; Logan is telling Wayne he can be useful while Wayne is saying how much he hates Logan. Wayne gives the go ahead.
  • Gredenko receives the delivery of a drone.
  • Logan breaks out his Presidential wear. He and Jack talk about Markov.
  • Carson has finished the wacky bomb using liquid the smuggled in through markers. He hands the bomb to Reed.
  • Reed walks through the bunker paranoid as hell. He gets to the podium and places the bomb underneath it. Wayne and Assad walk into the room soon after. Wayne introduces Assad to Reed then talks to Reed about Lennox’s absence.
  • Lennox tries to kick open a pipe valve to try to signal his whereabouts but Carson shuts him down.
  • Reed leaves the media room and watches through a window. When Wayne and Assad move towards the podium, he sets the bomb. Assad notices a liquid leaking underneath the podium and calls bomb before it goes off. Assad dies in the explosion but a Secret Service agent has time to cover Wayne.


  • What a stupid wasteful death for Assad. With all the shit this show has done to their universe, why couldn’t they have explored a world where there is peace with radical Muslims. Oh wait, we need them as villains!

Running Totals:

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (14)

  • This whole hour is about Morris being a drunk and Chloe worrying about him. She eventually barges into the Men’s room to confront him. Morris’ reaction is sweet.

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