Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 6: 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

None II

Key Moments:

  • Doyle runs out into traffic and carjacks some poor guy. He calls Bill and CTU gets into motion tracking Jack.
  • Jack pulls under some power lines to remove the tracking device from the circuit.
  • Morris figures out what Jack did and Bill calls Doyle.
  • Daniels and Lennox discuss their issues. Lennox doesn’t like how things went down but is okay with Daniels in the big chair. Daniels asks about Karen but Lennox recommends keeping her onboard.
  • Jack calls Cheng and gives him the location since he knows where CTU will be looking.
  • After Daniels gets pissed off about Jack, he makes out with Lisa. Wait what?
  • Doyle is the Jack Whisper as he is at the power lines calling off all the things Jack is doing.
  • Some DOJ bigwig meets with Karen. Reed spilled the blackmail he had on Karen and Bill during his interrogation. Karen explains what happens but someone has to go down for it. It’s either Bill or Karen.
  • Jack arrives at a broken down motel.
  • Karen brings her problem to Lennox and he tells her that someone is going to take the blame and it has to be Bill to protect the President.
  • Jack sets explosives in the building. When he finishes, he leaves a voicemail for Bill. It is literally Jack’s suicide note. He tells Bill to take care of Audrey and that Bill has been a good friend.
  • After Chloe hurt his feelings, Morris wants out of communications. After Bill agrees to the transfer, he calls Karen. Karen fires him. I always hated you Karen Hayes.
  • Doyle spots Jack’s SUV in his search.
  • Bill takes Nadia into the briefing room and tells her that he is stepping down. When she protests, Bill says he was fired. Nadia is now the acting director. The redshirts come for Bill! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Bill is lead out of the building and Nadia gives her speech to CTU.
  • Doyle gears up and heads over to the rundown motel. He spots Cheng pulling up and getting out of a limo. Jack wants to see Audrey first so Cheng calls for her. Jack tells Audrey to walk out of the building and keep walking. Doyle is freaking out because he doesn’t have backup. Jack tosses Cheng the circuit at the same moment Doyle starts shooting. Jack is hit before he can trigger the C4. Cheng escapes in a pack of hummers. They use a rocket launcher to take out the CTU chopper. Jack pops up to kill a couple of Chinese before CTU agents apprehend him. Jack yells at Doyle for screwing up his plan. Nadia tells Doyle to arrest Jack. Audrey doesn’t even recognize Jack.


  • I love Bill but my issue with Jack calling Curtis a friend goes double for Bill. There is no possible way they worked at CTU together unless it was prior to the first season.
  • I know this is just how 24 works but Bill Buchanan is easily the best manager ever at CTU and he gets fired over some political bullshit. It is infuriating.

Running Totals:

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (17)

  • Chloe goes with the low blow on Morris and brings up him arming nuclear weapons for terrorists. You can’t take that back Chloe.

Jack’s body count: 2 (164)

  • Jack kills a couple of Cheng’s men.

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