Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 8: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Kevin Wade (Clayne Crawford): Just an accessory to the crime that is Dana Walsh.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Davros is on the phone with someone and says they need to accelerate the hit.
  • Cole is pissed at Hastings that a missile got past their defenses. Jack tells Hastings that someone on the inside of Hassan’s team is leaking info. Hastings wants Jack back at CTU. Jack takes a second but agrees. Dana tells Hastings that she has a lead.
  • Hastings calls Rob with what just occurred and recommends they delay the signing. Rob yells at him and tells him to do his job.
  • Arlo covers his ass by telling Hastings that the drones didn’t stop the RPG because they were put into the field without being ready for an urban environment. Dana’s lead brings up the name Meredith Reed. UN security is informed and they rush in and detain Meredith in front of Hassan.
  • Hastings briefs CTU on Meredith Reed and Chloe raises her hand to say that this was all a bit too easy. Hastings shoots her down and sends her to debrief Jack.
  • Cole and Jack arrive at CTU. Jack overhears Hastings pressure Cole about paperwork covering up the mistakes made on picking up Victor. Jack calls Kim and she says she will pick him up at CTU. He then meets with Chloe who jumps straight into her theory that Meredith is being set-up. Jack tells her that he just wants to leave with his family.
  • All of the Hassans are looking for Omar to explain Meredith Reed’s access. Farhad wants the truth about Meredith before Omar makes a public statement. He tells Omar to cover it up to protect himself. After this conversation, Farhad calls Davros with the update. Davros tells him that his brother will be dead in an hour.
  • Kevin calls Dana … shudder. I will write very little about this plot for my own sanity.
  • Meredith is being walked through CTU and is greeted by Hastings. She has no idea why she has been detained. Jack overhears their conversation and her denials. He walks up to Hastings to argue for Chloe’s theory. No go. Jack sighs and says, “I hate this place.” He tells Chloe he tried but just wants to leave. She pleads with him and brings up all the crazy shit she has done for him over the years but Jack is not to be denied. He apologizes, walks away, and his granddaughter runs into his arms. Kim tells Jack that she spoke to Chloe because Jack wouldn’t tell her what was going on. She tells him to do what he does with her blessing. It’s actually very emotional. They hug and Jack heads back to work.
  • Hastings begins the Meredith questioning in the new futuristic interrogation room. It is all bright white walls and science going on.
  • Chloe can’t track Davros’ movements after he left Meredith’s apartment without the drone archives. Jack tells her to hack Arlo’s system. She finds that he entered a cab so Jack tells her to track the cab while he heads out into the field.
  • Arlo tells Dana that someone has hacked into his system.
  • The science tells Hastings that Meredith is lying so he starts pushing harder.
  • Davros is at some suburban house and is greeted like a friend. The wife calls for the husband and it looks like Davros has been posing as NYPD since they are working the security at the UN.
  • Dana pulls Hastings out of his interrogation of Meredith to tell him about Chloe and Jack.
  • Jack is inside the CTU armory and good lord look at all those weapons! Chloe tracked the cab and calls Jack with the location. But before Jack can get out, Hastings catches him in the act. Jack knows the political game so he blackmails Hastings with what he overheard between Hastings and Cole. Hastings allows Jack to do what he wants.
  • Davros is trying to swap shifts with the cop so he can gain access to the UN. When his buddy says he can’t, the American accent disappears and the gun comes out. He tells him to call their boss and say that they are switching shifts.


  • This Dana Walsh has a shady past plotline is horrific in every singe way.
  • When did Davros arrive in the United States? Victor told Jack he brought him into the country so it couldn’t have been too long ago. Yet he has had enough time to get a job at the NYPD and become close buddies with one of the other cops?

Running Totals:

No cliches

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