Monday, June 11, 2007


10. Bones

It is always fun when I find a show that can overcome one of my preconceived hatreds. Bones was able to earn a spot in my weekly rotation even though it is your basic formulaic procedural drama. If I were to wager a guess why, it would be the combination of gruesome remains and the amusing personalities that populate the cast. So there is something to keep in my mind for he future, I like funny gore. And really who doesn’t? I never would have watched an episode of the show if it weren’t for David Boreanz. But since Bones was the show he moved on to from Angel, I thought what the hell I’d give it a shot. Even though that was the initial reason, I actually liked the show more because the Booth character is not really similar to the Angel character. He is definitely goofier on Fox. Although Boreanz may have been the reason I started watching, by the second season I have grown to like all the major players. The Bones/Booth relationship may be a next generation version of Scully/Mulder, but I can’t complain when someone goes back to the classics. Even if it is a facsimile, the banter between Bones and Booth makes it worthwhile. Plus you still have the sexual tension that is always there with these television relationships. Who knows if Bones will be able to hold off putting the 2 of them together, season 2 did not give me hope for the future on that front. It was a main plot point for breaking up Bones and Sully plus it was hinted at heavily during the finale. Hopefully the season long fast tracking of the Angela and Hodgins relationship will forestall any other chemistry killing pairings. Zack was lost in the mix a bit during the second season, all he got was a haircut and then he was sent off to the war at the end of the finale. Outside of that the only real negative for the year was the replacement of Dr. Goodman with Dr. Camille. The deep-voiced guy was more fun running the lab then Booth’s old girlfriend. Well the show has steadily improved since its introduction, so I have hopes that the 3rd season can continue the climb.

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