Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 4: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Rafique (Anthony Azizi): His second go around as a terrorist. This time around he works the computers for Marwan.
  • Bill Buchanan (James Morrison): The man who has taken over for the dead Chappelle. Becomes likeable mainly because he does his job instead of trying to stop everyone else from doing their jobs.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Anderson calls Marwan to tell him that there is a problem and his flight has been grounded. Anderson handles the problem by finding the mechanic and killing him.
  • Jack and Marwan discuss successful terrorist actions before Rafique tells Marwan that the police have found the dead pilot’s family dead. Marwan needs to keep this from CTU so he asks Jack about Behrooz. After Marwan leaves, Jack spots some wires he can fool around with.
  • Marwan calls CTU and tells Michelle he is offering Jack for Behrooz. CTU is confused why he would make this offer.
  • Michelle sends Curtis and Tony to find out why Marwan wants Behrooz. Tony tells Curtis they should skip the games and go with the direct approach. Curtis tosses Behrooz around before going straight to the needle. Yeah, that’s messed up.
  • Rafique is tracking the police report and tells Marwan that it has been sent to CTU. Cut to Edgar ignoring the police reports and sending it to some other tech.
  • Anderson impersonates the dead mechanic and gets the plane cleared for takeoff.
  • The tech finds the report about a dead pilot’s family and sends it back to Edgar.
  • Buchanan arrives to run the prisoner exchange. Lots of ideas are thrown out in the briefing but they are going forward with the exchange.
  • Jack has caused the wires to spark. He kicks at a couple of guards but is eventually subdued and dragged out for the exchange.
  • Curtis tells Behrooz that he is being exchanged for Jack. He tells him that they will track him back to Marwan then rescue him. Curtis puts a watch on him and injects something into the back of his head.
  • The exchange begins. Jack and Behrooz are taken out of their respective vans and walk across a bridge passing each other. When Marwan’s sniper goes to take out Jack, Castle shoots first and kills the sniper. Jack is pulled into the CTU SUV and Curtis chases after Behrooz. Jack tells Tony about the wires he messed with. Marwan’s men find and kill both of the tracers on Behrooz.
  • Edgar finally reads the police report.
  • Tony finds the location Jack was held at.
  • Anderson takes off in a stealth fighter.


  • Is torturing a 16 year old normal procedure?

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (25)

  • Even Behrooz gets the CTU pain juice.

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