Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 3: 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

No newbies

Returning Characters:

  • Sherry Palmer (Last episode of season 2)

Key Moments:

  • Hector calls Gael to update him on Nina and Chase. Tony waves off Gael from answering any of Hector’s questions.
  • Chase’s torture continues with Hector taking over and eventually putting a bullet through the palm of his hand.
  • Gael gets Jack Amador’s location using his satphone. Ramon doesn’t allow Jack to go alone, so both of them head out to find Nina.
  • Claudia has her father disable all of Hector’s trucks before taking out the first guard watching over Chase.
  • Claudia walks in while Chase’s torture continues with the use of gasoline. She hands Chase a knife then tosses the bucket of gasoline at the torturer. Chase finishes him off with many stabbings. He cauterizes his wound. They meet up with Sergio and her father, jump in a truck, and try to escape. Chase kills 2 guards alerting the rest of them. Chase and Claudia are ducking down in the back of the truck but that doesn’t hide Claudia from the bullet that passes through Claudia’s brain.
  • Chappelle hates babies.
  • Jack leaves Ramon at the SUV as he goes in alone to talk to Nina. He hears the end of her conversation with Amador where he finds out that the final exchange will happen in a half hour. Jack is caught by one of Nina’s guards and by caught I mean Jack kills 4 of her guards and catches Nina. But he doesn’t hold her for long because there was a 5th guard that distracted him allowing Nina to knock him out.
  • Chase calls CTU to arrange a Delta team pickup.
  • A tied up Jack pitches his deal to Nina, which she finds interesting enough to kill her remaining guard.
  • David enlists Sherry's aid to take down Miliken.
  • After confirming that Jack broke Ramon out of prison, Nina needs to confirm Jack’s intentions. The only way to do this is to make out with Jack. Makes sense to me.


  • I don’t know if something changed with this season, but every time Tony learns something new we then watch him update every other person inside CTU and or the president. He has 3 separate conversations about the call from Hector.
  • Alan is using his influence to kill Palmer’s healthcare bill … holy shit black presidents love universal healthcare!
  • Since 24 still didn’t know how to use Chloe, she brings a baby into CTU. There is some mindboggling shit this season.
  • I love that Sherry just happens to be living in LA and can meet David at the drop of a hat.

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 3 (15)

  • Chase gets the cattle prod for his troubles.
  • Hector decides that shooting Chase in the hand will change his mind.
  • Christ Chase has a bad day as his injured hand has gasoline poured on it.

Battlefield medic: 1 (4)

  • Chase closes his own bullet hole by pouring alcohol on it and cauterizing it with a branding iron.

Jack’s body count: 4 (49)

  • Jack runs through most of Nina’s guards with little problem.

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