Characters Introduced:
- Lee Jong (Peter Chen): Chinese national who provided information to Marwan and now is in for a bad morning.
- Howard Bern (Robert Cicchini): CTU agent who can’t succeed at the simple task of keeping his mask on.
Returning Characters:
- Aaron Pierce (Last episode of season 3)
Key Moments:
- Pierce greets Palmer when he arrives at the White House. David meets with Logan and witnesses Logan grovel for his assistance. David will be in charge of finding the warhead and Logan will do the unimportant stuff. Mike offers to leave David if his presence makes him uncomfortable, but David is the biggest man alive and lets him off the hook.
- Chloe is working on the hard drive in the field when Jack asks her how she’s doing. Chloe responds like Chloe and just wants to get back to work. Edgar tracks the emails to a Chinese man named Lee Jong.
- David tells Jack he will contact the Chinese consulate directly but Jack should prepare for a direct assault.
- Edgar was able to reconstruct Marwan’s recording and plays it for Michelle and Bill. They speculate that Marwan intends to detonate before dawn.
- The Chinese consul is Dr. Pierre Chang! David asks him to contact the Chinese mainland to get permission to hand over Lee.
- The consul tells David that he expects to get permission in 3 hours.
- David calls Jack and tells him that they can’t wait for an official handoff and tells Jack to move in. This is a black op and there can be no evidence. Jack calls Tony for help.
- Tony coaches Jack with infrared of the compound. Jack dons the ski mask again and heads in leaving the rest of the team at the perimeter to reduce exposure. Tony walks Jack through while Jack tranqs the guards instead of killing them. Jack grabs Lee and makes a break for it. The Chinese open fire and kill their own consul. Curtis and Howard move to cover his escape. Howard’s mask is removed for a second. Lee gets shot.
- Hey look Paul is still around and needs to go in for emergency surgery.
- Jack questions Lee as they drive back to CTU. Lee wants protection from persecution and Marwan. David agrees to bring this to Logan.
- Another member of the Chinese consulate calls David to tell him the consul has been killed.
- Lee stops talking and Jack realizes he is in trouble.
- Jack brings Lee into CTU medical and Paul dies because of it.
- Jack’s mission needs to be kept secret, so Tony calls up the images of the consul in the middle of the CTU floor. Shouldn’t he have gone to a private office to get this done?
- CTU medical only has the ability to treat 1 patient at a time. Jack pulls a gun on the CTU doctor and forces him to treat Lee and let Paul die. And this is one of the most asinine moments on the history of 24.
Running Totals:
Jack loves America not Americans: 1 (12)
- Jack pulls his gun on the CTU doctor.
Jack’s body count: 1 (99)
- I’m counting Paul.
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