Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 3: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

Nope II

Key Moments:

  • Jack works his calm voice magic on Jane. He shows her pictures of the Drazen mission, plays a recording of Saunders threatening the President, and puts the cherry on top by showing her video of the dying folks in the hotel. Jane cracks and said her father contacted her 4 years ago and gave her an emergency number.
  • Jack and Tony tell David that they will not locate Saunders by his deadline to release the identities of covert operatives. David says he will not give in this time … what about Chappelle?
  • Jack convinces Jane to call her father so they can trace his location. Saunders is about to release the virus when his secret phone rings. Osterlind lets him know that the phone is being monitored. Saunders tells Jane to put Jack on the phone. Both parties utter threats and Saunders ends the call. Thankfully, CTU has stepped their game up and are able to trace the call and have a location.
  • Michelle’s acceptance letter from college arrives and she is not going to die. Today.
  • Saunders kills Osterlind for trying to leave before Saunders is ready. He calls another henchman and gets a status on some woman that he is watching.
  • Chloe finds out that Adam’s sister is infected.
  • Jack and Chase have Saunders’ building surrounded.
  • Saunders calls Tony and directs him to a website that shows Michelle being threatened by knife to eye. Saunders wants Tony to open a hole in CTU’s perimeter so that he can escape.
  • Tony makes a bs call to Baker and tells him to move his men to another area. Saunders takes the opportunity to just stroll on out without a care in the world.


  • Macer tells Michelle her results are on the way … by carrier pigeon? Why are they written on paper?
  • Jack tells Chase that the trace on Saunders phone was untraceable … what? Double secret probation?
  • I would be okay with Michelle surviving if they didn't make it seem like she was the only survivor in the hotel.
  • After Saunders calls about some target he is tracking, we immediately switch to Kim getting a car. You sneaky 24 bastards; I thought Kim was going to be kidnapped again!
  • This will not be the only time that, although only thousands of people are affected, a CTU agent’s relation will sadly die without them having the ability to do anything about it.
  • Hey Tony! Call Jack for help! You dumb motherfucker…
  • I also despise the idea that every single man in Baker’s unit would move. Someone would have been left behind to guard the area.

Running Totals:

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 2 (4)

  • Tony says, “Chloe, I’m getting tired of your personality.”
  • Chloe tells Adam that she doesn’t think he should be working and that she will be watching him. She has no time for grief.

Mole: 1 (9)

  • Tony dives into the mole hole.

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