Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 4: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Agent Castle (Cameron Bancroft): The CTU field agent that looks to have taken over for Baker. Boo bring back Baker.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Heller and Keeler discuss how the San Gabriel plant will meltdown within the hour.
  • Jack sends Driscoll a phone number he took of Henry’s cell phone. Edgar traces it to Dina Araz. Jack packs up to move to the location and doesn’t allow Tony to leave. He needs him so get in the SUV.
  • Behrooz leaves his mother in a motel so he can go see her brother for some pain meds.
  • CTU gets in contact with the San Gabriel nuclear plant and talk to the technicians about the meltdown. We know things are bad because the techs faces are already melting.
  • Jack and Tony arrive at the motel where Dina’s writhing in pain. Agent Castle gives Tony shit, but Jack says when he goes through that door Tony is backing him up. Fuck yeah! When they open up the door, Dina recognizes that it isn’t Behrooz and goes for the suicide solution. Jack flies across the room and knocks the gun out of her hand. Tony searches the rest of the room, while Castle starts abusing Dina. Jack calls him off but he doesn’t stop so Tony pulls him off and throws him against the wall. Castle is pissed but Jack talks him down and asks for trust. Tony recognizes Dina’s bullet wound.
  • Behrooz asks Dina’s brother for medication and he turns around and calls Navi.
  • Jack and Tony discuss their options for dealing with Dina. Driscoll plays them a recording of a conversation Dina had with Behrooz about Navi trying to kill him. This is all the leverage Jack needs. He and Tony move in and Jack is so deliberate it is insane. After washing his hands, he confirms that Dina is a true believer before moving on to Behrooz. He talks about how Navi will kill her son. Jack offers Behrooz a full pardon for her assistance in tracking down the override. Dina wants proof so Jack turns to Keeler. The President agrees but wants it non-binding.
  • Dina is shown the document and agrees to the deal. He tells Jack that Behrooz is at the hospital. Jack tells Behrooz to stay in the emergency room where there is a crowd. Navi arrives at the hospital, kills Dina’s brother, and grabs Behrooz. When he puts Behrooz against the wall to kill him, his son tells him about CTU.
  • When Jack and crew arrive at the hospital, he sees security running around and recognizes that there is a problem. He runs into the hospital and sends Tony to meet him at the garage.
  • Navi tosses Behrooz in his car and tries to drive off. Jack runs into the garage and puts a couple of bullets in Navi’s windshield but gets run over for his trouble. Jack takes out the tires next. Navi uses Behrooz as a hostage and escapes to the basement of the building.
  • Dina explains that Navi only needs to hold off CTU until Marwan melts down the plants. Then he can kill Behrooz because Dina will only help if her son is safe. Jack delivers a fantastic closing line as he asks Driscoll, “did you get that?”


  • So Dina Araz was shot in the upper arm and she reacts like she is dying from the wound. I’m not saying that this is the incorrect reaction, but on a show where people get shot all the time and continue on like all is well it is weird to see this violent of a reaction.
  • 24 killed Adam’s sister with the virus last season. This season Edgar’s mom is going to die in the fallout from the meltdown.
  • After Edgar hangs up with his mom where he finds out that she is going to take her own life, he tries to leave but Driscoll threatens him. This will become hilarious in a few hours.

Running Totals:

No cliches this hour

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