Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 4: 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Charles Logan (Gregory Itzin): Itzin is definitely in the top 5 performances in the history of 24. He is one of the few characters to actually get the time to grow and develop. And by all that I mean heel turn.

Returning Characters:

Not here

Key Moments:

  • Keeler calls in to CTU to get an update on Marwan. He also says that Air Force One will finally be landing in LA. Well, one way or another it will reach the ground.
  • Marwan calls Nicole about a hard drive that is at Anderson’ apartment. While making this call he notices the wires sparking, he sets some explosives before leaving.
  • Jack and CTU reach the warehouse and drive a hummer right through doors. Jack annihilates all of Marwan’s crew but Marwan has already escaped. He gets to work on the computers but all the files are deleting and he can’t stop it. The explosives are found and Jack gets everyone out before the computers blow up. A dying Rafique taunts Jack that something will happen within the hour.
  • Paul is paralyzed for now. He will get worse later.
  • Edgar finds the name Mitch Anderson in the evidence left at the warehouse. Jack gets an address and is told that the FBI is already on the way there.
  • Nicole kills the arriving FBI agent and takes Jack’s call and pretends to be the FBI agent.
  • Jack and another CTU agent arrive at Anderson’s apartment. He plays a game of identify yourself with Nicole and they get down to searching the apartment for the hard drive Nicole tells Jack about.
  • Jack finds evidence that Anderson is posing as military. The other CTU agent finds a false electrical socket and the hard drive hidden within. Nicole takes the opportunity to stick her knife through his neck. Jack spots the dead agent. Nicole fires at him and hides behind a pillar; Jack just shoots her through the pillar. Jack gets Edgar’s help breaking into the hard drive and starts seeing blueprints for a stealth fighter.
  • Once all the data is gather, Michelle recognizes that Air Force One is the target. She contacts Keeler. Chloe gets Jack in touch with Anderson. Jack gives one of his patented passionate speeches. Vice President Charles Logan takes the call from Keeler and is, as usual, scared shitless. Anderson cuts communications and fires. Jack screams, “Was Air Force One just hit?” multiple times.


  • We get introduced to Keeler’s son. This is in no way a bad omen.

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 9 (93)

  • Jack doesn’t want any other CTU agents killing bad guys.
  • Nicole needed a better hiding spot.

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (6)

  • Chloe delivers the news that Michelle and Bill worked together in Seattle while Tony was in jail like only Chloe can.

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