Characters Introduced:
- Marianne Taylor (Aisha Tyler): Not very secretive with her manipulations. 24’s first attempt at a blatant mole instead of going for the shocking reveal.
Returning Characters:
Key Moments:
- Jack calls Driscoll to update her but since she doesn’t agree with his plan he hangs up on her. She declares to everyone that Jack Bauer is no longer working with CTU.
- Heller tells Audrey that he is to be put on trial and executed for war crimes. Omar hands him a document listing his “crimes” and demands that he signs it. Heller refuses until Audrey is threatened, again.
- Marianne calls Curtis for a job at CTU. He hates her sexy ass.
- Jack calls Chloe for satellite help once Hasan reaches the boonies. Chloe yells at him for not rescuing Andrew but Jack says terrorists come first.
- Driscoll tells Curtis that she is bringing Marianne in even if he had sex with her. She also tells him to move on to higher levels of interrogation with Richard.
- Curtis sets Richard up for the patented CTU liquid pain. But his screeches of horror cause Curtis to think twice. He suggests a less brutal more science fiction way of torture.
- Hasan takes Andrew under a bridge for a little bit of questioning and execution. Jack follows and takes up a sniper position. Chloe watches through a traffic camera. Hasan and thugs work Andrew over and he admits to what he found and told CTU. Hasan leaves and tells the other 2 to take care of Andrew. Jack runs off to continue the tail, but Chloe begs him to save her friend. Jack continues to run but this is Jack, so cut to the traffic cam shot of the thugs as 2 sniper bullets kill them in a sweet visual. Jack yells at Chloe to get him that satellite coverage and drives off. Chloe goes into the bathroom to cry … in a really strange Chloe sort of way.
- Jack calls Chloe and lets her yell at him. She says she will never forgive him … HA! Jack calls all her bluffs. Jack needs Chloe and Chloe knows Jack is right and that is 24 until the series ends.
- Marianne arrives at CTU and immediately asks Edgar what is going on in the field.
- Richard is in some sort of sci-fi nightmare where Curtis is using sound and light to mess with him. Richard continues to whine about the legalities of the situation, so Curtis just turns it back on.
- Hasan pulls into a convenience store.
- Jack realizes that Chloe will not have the satellites ready in time, so he needs to stall Hasan. Jack gears up, tosses on a ski mask, and barges into the store. Jack pulling down the ski mask is one of the best 24 visuals of all time.
- Let me see if I understand this. When Hasan takes a quick exit to flush out any tail, Jack pulling a 180 down the entrance ramp isn’t something that would catch your attention?
- The super secretive CTU’s consultant hiring practice allows for blackmail. Marianne gets in because Driscoll doesn’t want to deal with an investigation.
Running Totals:
Jack’s body count: 2 (60)
- Andrew’s executioners are executed before completing their job.
Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (20)
- Curtis does some weird shit to Richard.
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