Thursday, May 31, 2007

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

4. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

Ever since NBC lost interest in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, so have I. When it was actually airing new episodes weekly, we are talking many moons ago, I think there was a chance I might have actually liked it. It was nowhere near my favorite show but it would have been nice if it were given the chance to grow. Grow into what? How in the world should I know but I am certain no one would be harmed if this existed instead of NCIS or One Tree Hill or Men Who Live in Trees or whatever the hell else I avoid like the plague. So it was full of itself and not really all that funny but what can I say it amused me. I liked enough of the actors and actresses to continue tuning in. That is really the only measuring stick I can use. As long as Matthew Perry, Steven Weber, and Nathan Corddry were entertaining me you would not have heard me complain. Still, now that NBC is burning of the remaining episodes I am finding it difficult to tune in.

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