Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 3: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • John Keeler (Geoff Pierson): David’s Republican rival who is nothing more than the other politician.

Returning Characters:

What the hell else can I fill this space with?

Key Moments:

  • Jack decides to throw away his heroin gear. Good for you … wait! Not in the company trash Bauer! As an addict, he does pocket the bottle with a bit of heroin left.
  • Chase is disappointed that Jack didn’t shoot up, now that is a real partner. Jack does not want his addiction on the record.
  • Kim bulldogs her way past Chase’s opinion and tells Jack about their relationship. Jack’s reaction is a non-reaction, which appropriately makes Kim nervous.
  • Jack and Chase head to the last known address of the dead body and Jack is hilariously pissed off at Chase.
  • While on the road to cracktown, Jack tells Chase that you can’t do the job and his daughter at the same time. You can only handle one life-threatening job at a time, fieldwork or Kim Bauer.
  • Wayne tells David that he has the ability to buy a copy of Keeler’s playbook for tonight’s debate. David is too honorable for such Sherry-level nonsense.
  • We finally get to see Jack and Chase in action and they prove to be a well oiled machine of badassery. Eventually Jack shoots a dealer in the leg and the questioning begins. When he stonewalls, Jack just says “Chase” and the man steps on the dealer’s bulletwound. He quickly gives up the name Kyle Singer.
  • When Kyle leaves the apartment to pay his parent’s overdue rent, his mother finds his bag of white powder.
  • Jack benches Chase by sending him back to CTU with the dealer. No fieldwork for you sir.
  • Wayne tells David that there is some badness about Anne in Keeler’s playbook.
  • Gael is revealed to be a CTU agent. Awww shit it’s mole time.


  • Kim's belief that the best time to tell Jack about her relationship with Chase is during work hours. Seriously? You couldn't go out for an In-N-Out burger to break this nonsense?

Running Totals:

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (1)

  • Chloe tells Tony that Jack and Chase will not be wearing wires. She then goes on and on about the minutia of comms until Tony screams at her.

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (9)

  • Chase stepping on the dealer’s bullet wounded leg counts because of the ease that Jack and Chase interrogate.

Mole: 1 (7)

  • Gael is working for CTU and Hector! Oh noes!

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