Top 5 Best Moments
5. Jack confronts Victor Drazen
This will become a staple of the show. Eventually Jack is face-to-face with the person causing him so much trouble, but this was the first time and it was crazy tense. Dennis Hopper may have been stunt casting but he conveyed hatred like you wouldn't believe. Plus calm Jack is almost as much as crazy screaming Jack.
4. Jack's one-man assault of the Drazens at the docks
Once again, this is the first time that we get to see the one-man army that is Jack Bauer. It will never get tiring to see Jack take everyone out with no support. He can't be stopped and even more so when he is filled with his spinach called righteous anger.
3. Jack captures Nina
This was all of the elements of the first season coming together. Nina is just about to make her escape until violently angry Jack stops her. Then he holds her at gun point while he demands answers for her actions. Nina pleads, Jack shakes with rage, Tony watches from a distance, and George steps in to calm Jack down. Fantastic.
2. Jack kidnaps and shoots Nina
There a bunch of twists that occurred prior to this, but sequence was the first truly holy shit moment on 24. You know Gaines is manipulating Jack but you are still shocked at what Jack is doing. First he can't get rid of Nina, then he pulls a gun on her, drags her out of CTU, sits in the car stonefaced while Nina is begging him for answers, and finally apologizes before shooting her in the chest. Then it gets even better when you find out that he staged the whole thing to save her life. Jack is smarter than you.
1. Jack interrogates Ted Cofell
Now of course this will be the stuff that 24 would become obsesses with in the later seasons but in the beginning this was some crazy shit. You knew Jack was a bad man and you knew he would do whatever it takes to save his family and his country, but the Cofell confrontation was the first time that you saw just what "whatever it takes" really meant. And the funny thing is it was all intimidation, he didn't even torture him! Jack rules.
Top 5 Worst Moments
5. Every single time Kim said the name Rick
I don't think I can accurately explain how annoying this became. Kim's obsession with her kidnapper just became all consuming. It is too stupid to spend anymore time on it.
4. Keith's constant anger
Yes his character had reasons to be angry throughout the day, but to have him be angry in literally every scene he was in became tiresome. It became a joke how every time he showed up within seconds he was raising his voice or storming out of the room. Thankfully outside of 1 quick cameo, he will never be seen or heard from again.
3. Alberta Green
One of the more useless characters that will ever be introduced in the series. The first in a long line of CTU characters whose sole purpose is to hinder the other CTU characters. Completely worthless in every conceivable way.
2. Nina is the mole
I'm not even going to argue this from a logic standpoint. This hurt the show because of how strong Nina Myers was a character and a performance. The shock of the turn worked and anything that removes Teri Bauer from my screen is a positive but it still takes this version of Nina away from the show going forward. Plus it started the process of introducing a wingman for Jack and then having them removed from the position in all sorts of horrific ways.
1. Amnesia
I already wrote a bunch about this in my reviews but it must be reiterated. This will probably win the title as the worst plot through the entire series. It existed solely as a reason to keep Teri busy until we got to the final hours of the day. But it was so stupid and poorly executed that it was a joke from the moment Teri laid down on the bed and stared into space. It sucks that it will take them 2 seasons to realize that if it is not Jack, CTU, or the government, it is not important so get rid of it.
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