Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 2: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

No time for anyone new this hour.

Returning Characters:

  • Sherry Palmer (Final episode of season 1)

Key Moments:

  • Sherry shows up in the President’s office. She plays her normal power play but David ignores her. Sherry is forced to prove she has information about what is going on today.
  • Let’s see if I can do any justice to the Jack/Nina scenes this hour. Nina believes she has the power and acts accordingly. She won’t give up a name; she is not scared of Jack; she practically taunts him. Jack flips the table and gives her the patented Bauer scream. She mocks him and tells him that he can’t touch her. Jack sits down across from her and just stares. Nina makes the mistake of eventually smiling at him; Jack immediately flies at her pushing her chair against the wall and lifting her up by the throat. Mason comes in to pull Jack out of there. Mason takes him off the case, but Jack is calm and tells him that it was all a tactic to take the power away from Nina. Mason agrees to let Jack continue his mind game. They look at a video feed of a terrified Nina.
  • Jack goes back in to continue Nina’s interrogation. Jack asks for the name of her contact. She won’t give it up, so Jack responds by firing 2 rounds above head. Nina spills the name and who he is and how he knows her. She holds back the location even when Jack puts a gun to her head.
  • After Sherry's information checks out, David reveals that there is a nuclear bomb. Sherry tells him that there are people in his administration working against him. David agrees to let her stay around and look into whom he can trust.
  • After many scenes over multiple episodes, Tony uses the threat of handcuffing Reza in front of his parents to crack him. Reza says he has been covering for Bob Warner.
  • Kim, Miguel, and Megan escape in Gary’s car.
  • On their way to the airport, Nina tries to manipulate the CTU agent that is not Jack but Jack prepared for this by drugging that agent’s water and leaving him in the truck. When he passes out, Jack cocks his gun and smiles at Nina while Nina does what we all would and shits her pants.


  • After all this time, the person that realizes that Kim is insane is a little girl. When Kim is dragging her around the hospital, Megan just stops moving and begins crying over what Kim is making her do.
  • The brain trust’s plan to get out of the hospital is for Miguel to grab a monitor and run out the door distracting everybody, so Kim and Megan can make their escape. An escape that just happens to be in full view of the window Gary is looking out of.
  • Miguel knows kung-fu and uses it to kick the hell out of Gary.

Running Totals:

Kim Does Something Stupid: 1 (14)

  • Nothing specific, I just want to highlight all of her actions this hour.

Torture Doesn't Mean You Can't be Creative: 1 (2)

  • Jack v. Nina definitely qualifies.

Jack Loves America not Americans: 1 (4)

  • Jack drugs the CTU agent just to terrify Nina.

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