Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 2: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Carrie Turner (Lourdes Benedicto): This season’s horrible CTU bitch. She literally does no work her whole time at CTU. Instead she watches and rats on everyone else for the next 11 hours.

Returning Characters:

Come on!

Key Moments:

  • David confronts Sherry about Roger’s allegation. Sherry tries her normal politicking, but David cuts her off and gives her the full presidential treatment. Sherry explains that she got involved with Roger as a way to protect David.
  • After a quick failure as an interpreter for the questioning of Omar, Kate wanders off when she spots Marie in a crowd.
  • Kate continues the hunt for her sister even following her alone into darkened rooms. Marie pulls a gun on her, moralizes a bit, and then demands Kate’s CTU badge. Kate calls her out for being stupid; Marie slaps her and gets ready to kill her. Jack arrives in time to shoot Marie in the arm. This allows Marie to begin her awesome wails of pain.
  • Jack explains the real world to Kate when she complains that they are not treating Marie’s wound. CTU agents cuff Marie to a chair and she squirms and whimpers in pain. Jack explains that the bullet is still lodged in her arm and then grabs her arm to show her why it hurts so much. The petulant child that Marie is tells Jack she is ready to die; Jack looks her in the eye and says no you’re not.
  • Kim figures out that there was no nuclear detonation by turning on a television.
  • In the Xander Berkeley rules category, the irradiated man tells Tony that it is time for him to step down. He promotes Tony to CTU Director and keeps it together to walk out of CTU with his head high. He even gets the second instance of the silent clock.
  • Jack gives Marie enough painkillers to last for 5 minutes then sends Kate in to talk to her. Marie is a psychopath so this leads nowhere until the drugs wear off and the whimpering comes back. She tells Jack that the bomb is in a van heading downtown. Jack sees through the lie instantly and orders the airfield to be searched.
  • Sherry has a lawyer confirm that she was working with Roger to protect David … and David does not give a shit. He doesn’t trust Sherry and has her escorted from the premises.
  • Kim confronts Lonnie and uses her logic skills to get him to let her go and even scores a gun in the deal.
  • The CTU agents find the van with the bomb. The techs confirm that this one is live.


  • The introduction of Carrie gives us the first truly horrific CTU running storyline. Michelle and Carrie hate each other and we are reminded of this every single hour for the rest of the season. If one of these characters is speaking, they are talking about the other one. There is a reason why CTU scenes became intolerable over the years; they were recreating this horseshit.
  • Wait a second … after questioning Marie it took them 5 minutes to find the bomb on the airfield? Were they not searching the airfield during the Marie interrogation? It feels like they shouldn’t have wasted their time if the bomb was so obviously in the van sitting on the runway.

Running Totals:

Torture Doesn’t Mean You Can’t be Creative: 1 (6)

  • I’ll count grabbing the bullet wound and painkiller trickery as torture.

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