Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 1: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

No one new, but we don’t have the room anyway. This is a busy hour that is one of the best of the first season.

Key Moments:

  • Jack wastes no time with Cofell, after Cofell takes a call about a meeting Jack explains the situation by gunpoint. Cofell plays dumb so Jack regroups. He calls Nina for an “interrogation profile” … oh man do I have one of those?
  • After Nina profile Cofell for Jack, we get down to business. Jack dramatically gets out of the car and preps for interrogation in plain view of Cofell. He takes out his gun and slowly cocks it, removes his jacket, and the rolls up his sleeves while staring Cofell in the eye. Once he starts questioning, Cofell does give up the name Kevin Carroll but he does not admit to any wrongdoing. Jack steps it up by wetting a towel and explaining that he will shove the towel down his throat and then rip it back out tearing his stomach lining in the process. Then Cofell will die a very slow death. Cofell pleads for mercy by showing a picture of his family.
  • With his intimidation tactics not working, Jack drives Cofell to his meeting with Kevin Carroll. On the way, Cofell pulls a hidden blade from the armrest.
  • Once in the garage, Jack gets in back to continue questioning Cofell. Cofell makes his move with the blade, Jack easily fights him off and hears him speak Serbian which raises a red flag. The beating Jack delivers causes Cofell to have a heart attack (he had a preexisting condition) and die in Jack’s arms.
  • Operation Nightfall is said for the first time, when Jack calls Nina about Cofell’s death.
  • Jack props dead Cofell up in the limo for his meeting with Kevin Carroll. Kevin Carroll shows up and is in fact the fake Alan York. We got some awesome images during this scene as Jack turns and looks at him through the limo glass. Carroll fires off 4 shots and Jack doesn’t even blink as they hit the glass. Jack drives maniacally before stopping short and slamming Kevin unconscious against the glass. One more interrogation later and Carroll agrees to take him to his family if Jack will let him go.
  • Andre Drazen arrives at the Gaines’ compound and orders the Bauers killed and the area cleared. When Eli goes executing, Teri (after being given a gun by Rick) shoots Eli instead.


  • From this point on Kim spends the majority of her time worrying about Rick. Her obsession with her kidnapper is disturbing and completely within character. Thankfully Eli beats the shit out of Rick while Kim watches, so she can cry.

Running Totals:

Kim Does Something Stupid: 1 (6)

  • When Teri starts having rape pains in her stomach, Kim thinks they should ask the kidnappers for help. Does she even understand the point of being kidnapped?

Jack’s Body Count: 1 (2.5)

  • Cofell may have had a heart attack but I’m give Jack the credit.

The Healing Power of Jack Tears: 1 (2)

  • Realizing that Cofell was his last lead, Jack cries at the thought that he has failed his family.

Torture Doesn’t Mean You Can’t be Creative: 1

  • Jack’s whole wet towel explanation counts as his first, let’s say, advanced level of interrogation.

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