Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 1: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Krugman (Darin Heames): Undercover cop who arrests Kim. He is just doing his part to keep America safe.

Key Moments:

  • Mason takes a ride with Jack out to the address where the power is going to be cut. There is great chemistry between Sutherland and Berkeley so we got a bunch of moments showing how these guys have worked together for a long time. Mason does whatever he can to stall Jack from finding out that his family is in danger again.
  • After a full day of threats and planning, David finally delivers the speech detailing all the shit that has gone on with Keith. He burns Carl and his people while defending his children.
  • Kim gets arrested … does it really even matter why? Fine, Dan’s brother Frank decided to rob the people he was making a deal but they were actually undercover cops. Everyone in the house gets arrested.
  • The shitty amnesia storyline comes to an end with the birth of BADASS MOTHERFUCKING TONY ALMEIDA showing up and putting 2 in Jovan’s back saving Teri.
  • Jack and Mason are in the middle of nowhere but a helicopter flies over them alerting them that something is going on out here.


  • While the Palmers sit down for dinner, Sherry starts spitting hate and blame at everyone because she is defending her crown as Mother of the Year. And since this is television Nicole has some sort of physical and emotional breakdown at the table.
  • The third and thankfully final hour of Teri’s amnesiac adventure includes her setting off her own house alarm, not knowing the code when speaking to the company, the police showing up and turning it off even though Teri can barely speak in full sentences, Parslow having to explain Teri’s life to her, Parslow’s friend Chris shows up strapped, Teri reacting like scared puppy at the sight of a gun, and finally Tony saving her life with the violence causing her to regain her memory.

Running Totals:

Human Beings Still Eat?: 1 (4)

  • Palmer family dinner.

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