Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 2: 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Yusuf Auda (Donnie Keshawarz): One of those characters who are introduced as shady but proved otherwise. He also gets to be another wingman for Jack … guess what happens to him?

Returning Characters:

Damn you bring someone back!

Key Moments:

  • Walking zombie George Mason shows up at the airfield to kill time before he dies.
  • The techs cannot disarm the bomb and they have less than an hour before detonation. Jack sends for the fastest plane on site and calls Palmer.
  • Lynne and Mike break down the 2 possible bombsites, the ocean or the desert. The ocean would be an ecological disaster while a precise desert bombing would only kill any hippies camping in the desert. Who cares about those guys? Palmer tells Jack to go with the desert.
  • Jack will fly the plane because it is a suicide mission and he will not order any other man to die. Mason lobbies for the job but Jack is ruthless and says he can’t risk George dying before the bomb gets to the desert.
  • Ali’s safehouse in unnamed country was raided with the help of Yusuf. The stuff is brought to CTU for analysis and within minutes a recording is found. Tony sidelines Yusuf because he does not trust him.
  • There is a point where Kate finds out that Jack is flying to his death. I highlight this because I love the 24 moments where a character finds out that Jack Bauer is better than them in every conceivable fashion.
  • Kim finally gets a ride from a nice lady driving down the deserted street; she then proceeds to call CTU, get connected to Jack, and have one of the saddest conversations so far in the show. Jack tells her what he is doing and tells her how proud he is of her. Kim is a bawling mess in front of the nice lady.
  • Tony being awesome was sitting in his office crying over Jack and Kim when Michelle interrupts. The recording has been analyzed and it implicates 3 unnamed countries as the suppliers of the nuclear bomb to Ali.
  • Palmer is dubious about the recording but must act accordingly. War is imminent.
  • Jack is flying to his doom but is surprised to find George Mason dying in the cargo hold. Mason tosses Jack a parachute and says the hard part is over and he can crash a plane as good as Jack can. I miss George Mason. When Jack continues to protest, George kicks him in the ass and tells him to keep living and fix his life. Jack thanks him.
  • Jack and Mason share one last moment before Jack hops out of the plane.
  • George takes the plane into a nosedive … you rule George Mason.
  • Jack, Kim, and David all look at the mushroom cloud.


  • Kim’s stroll down a deserted midnight road is cliché central. First 2 bikers roll by as she ducks and hides then some dude in a wife beater driving an El Camino tries to pick her up before Kim pulls a gun on him to scare him off.
  • I love Palmer’s childlike wonder when he finds out that the American military is ready to invade any nation in the world. That is what they are there for Mr. President. What did you think they did while on the job?

Running Totals:

The Healing Power of Jack Tears: 1 (6)

  • Jack’s has his tearful goodbye to his daughter.


  1. Jack surviving a nuclear blast by hiding behind a dune is not Ridiculousness? Even for Jack, that was pushing it.

  2. HE WAS OUTSIDE THE BLAST RADIUS! Is that legit? I don't know. It was a plane that could 220 mph and he jumped out 4 minutes before Mason crashed it, so if you want to do the math let's say 10 miles from the detonation site. Would he have been safe at that distance?

  3. This website - - says he would've been outside the blast radius but should've been rained down by radioactive waste. Close enough. I retract my criticism!
