Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Best and Worst of the Second Season of 24

Best Moments

5. Jack and his hacksaw

This was just an iconic moment. And I see how disturbing that statement looks but this just brought Jack Bauer to a completely new level. He was now going to places no other television character had gone before.

4. Jack's interrogation of Nina

The return of Nina was key to closing any lose ends from the twist at the end of the first season. Turning her was done for shock bringing her back allowed Clarke and Sutherland to work the new dynamic. The tension between these two is incredible. And when Jack shot those bullets above her head, it doesn't get much better than that.

3. Irradiated George Mason

This is amazing that I get to rank this here. 24 will be known for its ridiculous plot twists and this should have been one of the laughable ones. Instead Berkeley made every second believable. From going through decontamination, reuniting with his son, all the way to taking Jack's seat on the plane, all of it worked.

2. Nina holding Jack at gun point

Jack, Nina, David, and Mike get to annihilate some screen time. It's all here; Nina smugly setting Jack up, Jack's realization that Nina tricked him, David sending Nina to Mike first, David and Mike's initial confusion over Nina's demand, Nina requesting a pardon for the future killing of Jack Bauer, Jack telling David to accept the deal, David's pain over agreeing to the deal, Jack asking David to look after Kim, David wiping away a tear, Nina's gloating to Jack, Jack no selling the gloat, Nina flipping out, and Jack just getting up and walking away. I love when 24 gets it right.

1. Jack interrogates Syed Ali

So where do you go when Jack has already cut a man's head off and took shots at Nina just to frighten her, you kill Ali's kid. Syed was a man willing to die for his cause and Jack needed to break him immediately. He tries the normal stuff, conversation, threats, screaming, mild beatings, sending in the Imam, no dice. Jack needed to step his game up and what we get is a bunch of video cameras wheeled into the room. And when Jack turns them on there is Ali's family being held hostage. After he does the deed and breaks Ali with the supposed death of his son, the capper is his reveal to Kate that he should not be questioned by having the video show that it was all an editing trick.

Worst Moments

5. Kung-fu Miguel

It may have only been 30 seconds of screen time but are you freaking kidding me? When Miguel jumps into the stance, I laughed my ass off. I don't think that was the intended response.

4. Michelle and Carrie

Did we really need a nemesis for Michelle? CTU can't just function as a government agency there needs to be a soap opera element. And this time around we have Carrie bitching and whining all the time. It became completely unbearable.

3. Yusuf's death

For such a weak start just wandering around CTU giving Tony dirty looks, Yusuf didn't deserve to die that way. Did he really have to be beaten to death by a gang of racists roaming LA after the bomb went off? Thanks for that.

2. Mike betrays David

I know I should get over this, but this has bothered me from the minute this episode aired 7 years ago. Mike was David's most trust advisor. He was who Palmer turned to when things got difficult. Yet who helped Prescott pull off his palace coup? Damn you Mike. This should never have happened.

1. Cougar


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