Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 7: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

Final Hour

Returning Characters:

Final Hour II

Key Moments:

  • Jack sneaks under a garage door and closes it behind him when Tony starts shooting. Jack spots a gas leak from Tony’s bullets. Tony uses a forklift to open the garage door. Jack tries to immolate himself in the gas but Tony kicks the flare out of his hand and knocks him out.
  • Pierce brings Ethan back to Olivia’s office for the confrontation. Ethan plays the recording and Pierce is disappointed in his new friend. He leaves the room. Olivia goes into politick mode but Ethan has no interest in that. His demand is for Taylor to know what happened.
  • Jack is cuffed to a fence and berating Tony. Tony tells him that he has no intention of killing Jack for the virus. He has been tracking Alan Wilson for years. He is the man behind Charles Logan, which means he is the man behind his wife’s death. We get his lunatic explanation for his actions today. He then tells Jack that he isn’t going to kill Alan, Jack is. He straps a bomb vest to Jack.
  • Alan arrives and Tony and Cara head out to meet him. Alan stays in the limo as Tony and Cara are searched. They are cleared and Alan hops out of the limo. Cara is allowed to walk all the way to him while Tony is held back. Jack is retrieved and Tony starts fingering the trigger, as Jack gets closer to Alan. Before Jack can go boom, Renee arrives by helicopter. Alan’s men open fire. Jack escapes but has another seizure. Tony blows up some barrels to cause chaos then chases after Alan and Cara. Renee lands and goes straight to Jack. He tells her about the bomb but she easily disarms it. He explains Tony’s intentions. Alan calls for an extraction when Tony arrives. Cara runs to him and Tony hugs her and shoots her in the stomach. He runs at Alan and delivers his monologue. He beats on Alan and we find out that Michelle was pregnant. Tony screams in rage but before he can fire Renee shoots him in the shoulder. He keeps crawling for the gun and Jack pleads with him to stop. He doesn’t stop so Jack shoots him in the hand. Tony gives the wild screams as he is dragged out of the room. He yells that Jack is one of them now and he ran away. Jack falls to the ground as the virus is winning the battle.
  • Renee acts all smug in telling Alan what he will be charged with. She doesn’t react well to his confidence that there is no evidence to convict him.
  • Jack refuses the pain meds then dismisses the EMT when Renee pops up. She tells him what just happened with Alan. Jack tells her his philosophy; when he sees people in trouble he will do anything it takes … anything. He tells her that she is different because she took an oath to the FBI. Jack says his mind loses out to his heart. He has to make the choices he can live with and that means torture whomever it takes to save lives. 24 hours later Renee is touched by hearing how Jack Bauer ticks. It doesn’t make up for treating him like shit the whole day!
  • Olivia explains what she did to her parents. Henry supports his daughter but Allison is the President.
  • Macer tells Jack that he is degrading faster than expected because the virus was weaponized. He refuses the morphine. The Imam reappears. Jack has so many regrets that he can’t deal with it. The Imam comforts him as Jack cries. This seems to put Jack at peace. He says, “it’s time” and closes his eye.
  • Taylor tosses Olivia under the bus for murder. She leaves the remains of her family to cry in the hall. Ethan walks up to comfort his President. He agrees to take back his job as Chief of Staff.
  • Renee tortures Alan off camera.
  • Kim arrives but Jack is already in a coma. Gohar tells her that Jack is at peace. Kim says that she isn’t and wants the crazy treatment. She tells the comatose Jack that she is sorry but she is not ready to let him go.


  • So yes, the running plot for Day 7 is Jack corrupts Renee to the point where she must torture Alan to be able to live with herself. Thanks for that.

Running Totals:

The healing power of Jack tears: 1 (13)

  • Jack even cries over himself.

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