Characters Introduced:
- Mark Bishop (Michael Shanks): Hell yeah for Michael Shanks showing up. He also goes the classic spy route of sleeping with people to gain information.
Returning Characters:
- James Heller (1am – 2am episode of season 5)
Key Moments:
- Doyle tries to talk to Audrey but she just repeats the phrases she said to Jack a couple of hours ago.
- Nadia denies Morris’ transfer request. Doyle calls and says that Audrey is too messed up to communicate and Jack’s plan would have worked if he hadn’t interfered. Nadia blames Jack because she has nothing else to go with.
- Doyle doesn’t allow Jack to speak to Audrey before she is put in a helicopter.
- Daniels is not confident in their chances of catching Cheng. Lennox interrupts to say that Suvarov wants a meeting with Daniels.
- Lisa has left the White House during a crisis to have sex with some dude, Mark Bishop. She is a woman and that is how 24 views women.
- Hey look it’s the first use of the Cisco teleconference technology that will pop up over and over again through the final seasons. Suvarov already knows about the circuit. Daniels doesn’t back down because they were Russian nukes on American soil in the first place. Lennox says that they only way Suvarov can know this fast is because of a leak.
- Cheng is told that the circuit has been damaged.
- Bishop steals Lisa’s PDA information when she takes a shower. He calls his contact.
- Chloe confronts Morris and he tells her that she crossed a line. How can someone have thin skin after years of being around Chloe? Chloe cries into the wall.
- Nadia greets some psych doctors into CTU. They get to work on Audrey.
- While Doyle deposits Jack into holding, Jack pleads for Doyle to look out for Audrey’s safety.
- The doctor tells Nadia and Doyle that they have to use some extreme treatment to get Audrey to talk. Doyle pushes for Jack to talk to her but the doctor says it is his decision not Nadia’s. Doyle yells at Nadia for getting walked all over and letting this happen.
- Lennox meets with Daniels and tells him that Lisa has been in contact with a suspected Russian agent named Mark Bishop. Daniels doesn’t understand so Lennox has to explain the birds and the bees to him. Daniels says they have a bigger problem since he is also sleeping with Lisa.
- Doyle updates Jack on Audrey’s future then uncuffs him and tells him to make it look good. Jack jumps up and puts the choke on him … YES! He gets out of holding takes out the guard and grabs his gun. He gets into medical and knocks out one of the doctors and tosses the other one to the floor. The doctor pulls the alarm as Jack takes Audrey out of medical. Even Milo gives Nadia shit for not letting Jack talk to Audrey in the first place.
- Jack brings Audrey into one of the CTU dark dungeon rooms and rips the access pad off the wall. He starts talking to Audrey. Nadia is outside the door and can’t get in. Audrey finally looks at Jack with something like recognition. Jack keeps talking and she squeezes his hand. Nadia is having the door burned through. CTU gets through the door but Jack holds them at bay. Audrey says the word “Bloomfield” and Nadia miraculously grows a set and tells the doctor to take a hike. Jack gives Audrey to Doyle and freely walks back to holding.
- Lisa walks back into the Oval Office and the temperature drops about 50 degrees. Daniels doesn’t waste time in bringing up Mark Bishop. We get the full Powers Boothe as he just destroys Lisa. He tells her she will go back to Bishop and pass false information.
- Audrey is back in medical and James Heller is talking to her. He wants to speak with Jack before taking Audrey out of CTU. Doyle says that Audrey’s clue led them to some sort of plant where she may have been held.
- Heller meets with Jack and blames him for everything. He wants Jack to stay away from his daughter. He tells Jack that he is cursed and everything around him ends up dead. NOT CHLOE MOTHERFUCKER!
- I do think James Heller would have prevented any crazy ass treatment being used on his daughter. He is quite powerful.
Running Totals:
Jack loves America not Americans: 4 (30)
- Jack runs through a few people to get from holding to Audrey.
Jack’s million-dollar dream: 1 (8)
- Jack puts Doyle to sleep.
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