Characters Introduced:
Returning Characters:
Key Moments:
- Josh figures out that he is not being flown back to CTU. Doyle is shitty at reassurance but does inject Josh with a locator device. YES!
- Jack is put into “temporary custody” which means they toss him in the back of a SUV but don’t take his phone away from him. He calls Chloe to find out what is going on and tells her that they cannot trust his father. He wants to speak to Karen Hayes.
- Suvarov doesn’t want war but he needs the circuit destroyed if Daniels wants him to call off his troops.
- Karen offers Jack no help and says he will have to handle it himself. Really on 24? After the call, Karen talks with Lennox who doesn’t offer any help but does say he won’t pay attention to anything she tries to do.
- We are back at Bill’s home for the second season in a row! Because he was fired, feds are ripping apart his home. He refuses to pick up Karen’s calls but when she pleads with him on the answering machine he finally picks up. She tells Bill about Jack and asks him to help.
- Doyle and Josh land near a beach. Phillip calls and wants CTU to shutdown their satellites and for Doyle to send the chopper away. Phillip gives an insane speech to Josh before hanging up.
- Doyle doesn’t like what is going on and tells Nadia he is rescuing Josh the first chance he gets. She is a cunt and tells him that is not the plan and the circuit comes first. Karen calls Nadia and worms Jack’s location out of her. Marilyn rips Nadia apart looking for the whereabouts of her son.
- An oncoming Bill runs Jack’s transport off the road. Jack steals one of the agent’s guns, while Bill distracts Turner. Jack knocks both agents out. He thanks Bill but Bill is too awesome and doesn’t need thanks.
- Milo’s brother walks into CTU and Chloe walks up and hugs him. Nadia sucks and looks sad.
- Karen’s access has been cutoff and she calls Bill and tells him that she is about to be arrested.
- Chloe tells Nadia that Bill rescued Jack and sneaks in a shot at Nadia’s management skills.
- Doyle is hanging with Josh and gives him the bullshit excuse that his country needs him to do this. Nadia calls to tell him that Jack and Bill are coming. She then tells Doyle he will have to handle them alone … HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!
- Daniels rips Karen apart and tells her that he is going to bury Bill and her. Karen protects Lennox from Daniels’ wrath.
- Phillip calls Doyle and tells him to bring Josh to the water. A boat comes ashore for the exchange. Doyle wants to identify the circuit before sending Josh but instead of the circuit, the package blows up in his face. Josh is grabbed and tossed into the boat. Jack and Bill arrive a minute too late. They check on Doyle who is too fucked up to help and does not have the circuit. Phillip tells his man to remove the locator from Josh. Jack calls Nadia to detail her failure.
- Daniels is sitting in the Oval Office reflecting on his failures. Lennox tells him to be lenient with Karen and Bill.
- Doyle is blind! Jack blows past Nadia’s apology and spots oil platforms and tells CTU to look into his father’s holdings in the area.
- Phillip is hanging out on an oil platform with Cheng. Their deal is still on. We get a fairly cheesy shot of both Phillip and Jack staring off into the distance like they are staring at each other.
- Chloe passes out.
- You read that right. The penultimate hour of 24 season 6 ends on Chloe passing out at work.
Running Totals:
Jack loves America not Americans: 2 (32)
- Jack knocks out the agents transporting him but doesn’t use the choke.
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