Characters Introduced:
- Marika Donoso (Enuka Okuma): Even murderous thugs can be charming when they want to be. Dubaku found himself a cute American waitress.
Returning Characters:
Key Moments:
- Chloe says that Matobo has been brought into a building. After looking at the building, Jack tells Renee that they will need her help.
- Nichols brings the Matobos to Dubaku. They talk politics in Sangala.
- Jack starts climbing the building, while Renee walks through the front door. Tony and Bill have joined Jack on the roof. Renee uses her FBIness to get past security and she opens the door on the roof to let the rest of them in. Jack and Renee move to the floor above Dubaku. Jack starts playing in the crawlspace.
- Matobo are locked in a room. He starts having second thoughts but Alama believes in Jack Bauer.
- Janis tracks Dubaku’s use of the device to a chemical plant in Ohio. She tells him what is going on and the plant techs figure out that they are locked out of their own system.
- Ethan and Woods bring the chemical plant attack to Taylor.
- Jack puts a cam in Dubaku’s control room. He relays what he sees to Bill and Tony.
- Janis works with the plant manager to try to fix the situation at the chemical plant. He tells her that he is going to manually release some stuff and Janis realizes that he is sacrificing himself.
- Nichols finds Jack and friends on camera entering the building. Dubaku disconnects the module and plans to leave and attack from another location.
- BILL IN THE FIELD! He and Tony bust in shooting. Jack blows the ceiling off the control room and he and Renee drop in. Jack takes down most of Dubaku’s thugs. Renee kills Nichols when he goes after the Matobos. Tony prevents Dubaku from getting to the module. They clear the room; destroy the device, but Dubaku escaped.
- The plant manager says that the system has kicked back in but he is too messed up to move.
- Renee brings the Matobos back to the van.
- The search for Dubaku continues through the halls. Dubaku grabs Latham and forces him to do something. Jack opens a door and sees Latham and the bomb vest he is wearing. Dubaku triggers the vest and a huge explosion forces the 3 of them to dive for cover.
- Larry doesn’t understand why the device was turned off.
- Woods updates Taylor but no one understands why Dubaku did not follow through with his attack. Ethan finally updates Taylor on what her husband has been up to and how he can’t get in touch with Gedge.
- Vossler is listening to the police band and hears that everyone is looking for Gedge. He tries to call Gedge. Henry picks up the phone and tries to use it to call for help but it is locked. He tries to get out of the apartment, but he spots Vossler running at him. He tries to lock him out but Vossler gets in. Dubaku calls Vossler and after getting the update tells him to bring Henry to him.
- Everyone returns to Bill’s cathedral. Jack tries to convince Bill that they need help in finding Dubaku. Matobo offers them a way to Taylor. Bill looks to Tony first before agreeing.
- Matobo calls Taylor to say that he is safe but will explain everything when he meets her in person in 10 minutes.
- Jack gets ready to move but Tony tells him that he isn’t going. Tony won’t turn himself in until Dubaku is captured. He says he has a lead on one of Emerson’s men. Jack asks for his word that he will turn himself in when this is over. Tony shakes his hand.
- Dubaku arrives back at his apartment. Okay. There is a knock on his door and he has an American girlfriend. He makes nice to get rid of her then calls Vossler with a location.
Running Totals:
Jack’s body count: 7 (212)
- Jack makes up for lost time this season in Dubaku’s control room.
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