Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 6: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

Not here

Returning Characters:

Not here II

Key Moments:

  • Wayne refuses to meet the cabinet in a wheelchair. He also tells Dr. Welton that he wants a shot of adrenaline. He is told that this is very dangerous.
  • Jack and Bill discuss Gredenko’s demands. Jack believes that the Presidential games going on will make any immunity deal non-binding.
  • Wayne meets the cabinet and the 25th amendment discussion begins. Dr. Welton states that Wayne is in good shape and should make a full recovery. Wayne then says that the doctor gave his okay and the people voted him into office. Daniels responds that he wants to blow shit up and Wayne won’t let him. Lennox calls for a break before they come back for the vote.
  • We get more games between Milo, Nadia, and Doyle. Doyle tells Nadia that he believes Milo screwed up and allowed Gredenko into their systems. He wants Nadia to confirm this.
  • The cabinet reconvenes. The vote is an even split and the Attorney General states that the President stays in office on an even split. Daniels responds that Karen’s vote was invalid due to her earlier resignation. Lots of arguing ends when the Attorney General says that this will have to go before the Supreme Court.
  • Nadia accesses Milo’s system and proves that he screwed up. She angrily brings the evidence to Doyle but he covers it up. Doyle tells her that he just wants to catch terrorists.
  • Gredenko confirms his deal and Jack gives him the standard death threat if he plays any games. Gredenko calls Fayed and they agree to meet in 10 minutes at the pier. Doyle is 30 minutes out so Jack’s team will have to go it alone.
  • Karen meets with Wayne and Sandra. They talk tactics to oppose Daniels.
  • Daniels and Lisa discuss how to handle Karen. When Lisa tells him that his actions prove that he reaffirmed Karen into the office, he goes off on the fate of the nation if Wayne stays in office. Lisa offers an illegal solution to the problem and Daniels agrees.
  • Fayed makes a stop at a warehouse to drop off the bombs before meeting with Gredenko.
  • Lennox meets with Daniels alone. He awesomely plays a recording of the conversation that Daniels just had with Lisa. Lennox tells Daniels to back down and let Wayne take back the office.
  • While Karen and Wayne talk Jack’s operation, Sandra walks in to tell him that Daniels has backed down. Wayne is so messed up he is practically a bobble head.
  • CTU injects a tracking isotope into Gredenko’s arm. Jack says they can’t wait for Doyle and sends Gredenko out onto the pier. Gredenko finds a ringing cell phone and reads a test message with a location. Jack heads out to track him on foot. Gredenko meets with Fayed and shows him the wire he is wearing. He unplugs it and tells Fayed that he can get them both out alive. Jack enters the building looking for Gredenko and only finds his severed arm. CTU can’t track him anymore, well except for his fucking blood trail!
  • Jack is acting the bloodhound and gets into a shootout with Fayed’s men. Fayed and Gredenko run into a bar where Gredenko yells out that Fayed is the terrorist and the bar jumps Fayed. Okay that was awesome. Jack runs into the bar and fires a round into the air to clear the fight. Fayed tells a drunk that he hopes his friend dies so Jack kicks him in the face.
  • Wayne demands more adrenaline from Dr. Welton. Bill calls him and tells him that CTU does not have the bombs.
  • Gredenko is bleeding to death under the pier.
  • Karen and Lennox share a moment of understanding between rivals, when they get word that Wayne is going through with the nuclear strike. No one understands what Wayne is doing.


  • What the hell was Gredenko’s plan? You cannot survive the shock and blood from severing your arm from the shoulder without immediate medical attention. Then stumbling under the pier until you pass out from blood loss … I just don’t understand.

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 2 (155)

  • Jack gets through a couple of Fayed’s men on the pier.

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