Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Best and Worst of the Seventh Season of 24

Best Moments:

5. Shadow CTU

Christ! How bored was Bill? And did he own an abandoned cathedral in DC or did he find that on Craig's List? However he did it, I love the acknowledgement that "CTU" can be run by 3 people. All you need is a boss, a field agent, and Chloe.

4. Jack Mock Executes Renee

The best part of Jack Bauer is that he has emergency plans for any scenario that may occur. Emerson hands him a gun and tells him to execute Renee Walker, Jack grabs the gun without hesitation and gets to work. I do think Renee may be deaf in one ear from getting a gun fired that close to the side of her head but it was still sweet.

3. Chloe Cries Over Jack

I love this scene because it was so simple. Chloe finds out Jack is dying and walks right up to him but can't speak. She just stands in front of him and breaks down. I'm also listing this here because I need to lay the groundwork for next season's #1.

2. Jack Interrogates Tony

The return of Tony was fishy at best but it did allow these 2 characters to share the screen again. This was phenomenal because Jack tries every single tactic to get Tony to explain himself but gets nothing in response. Once Tony goes on the offensive, Jack loses his mind and nearly chokes Tony to death.

1. Bill's Sacrifice

This is for everything around Bill Buchanan's death. From his speech telling Jack that he is the only one that can track down the answers to Bill igniting the gas and all the way to Jack's hollow stare will sitting next to Bill's body, this is how you send off a great 24 character.

Worst Moments:

5. Jack is Exposed to the Bioweapon

In theory this was a novel plot for Jack Bauer, in execution this was a waste of time. Jack is not going to die slowly from an illness. He will take a bullet for his daughter or Chloe or the corpse of David Palmer ... not slowly fade away soap opera style. The tension was never there.

4. The Shady White Men Cabal is Actually in the Shade

This is just hilarious. The shadow group running things is actually shown with shadows covering their faces! Seriously? Someone thought this was a cool idea?

3. Renee Tortures Alan Wilson Off Camera

The student is now the master. Fuck you 24.

2. Olivia Taylor

Help me Jebus! One of the worst significant characters ever introduced in the entire series. Every character doesn't have to be good or redeemed but they have to be watchable. Olivia was such a horrible human being that it became ridiculous that Pierce didn't snap her neck for the good of the nation.

1. Jack Hearts Torture

Sigh. I know the standard operating procedure for 24 was put Jack in a room with a bad guy and have him do something creative to make him talk but did we need all these new characters introduced commenting on Jack Bauer's methods. And I seriously do not understand why the mere presence of Jack Bauer is frightening to government agents. He wasn't torturing good guys for all those years! He was treated like a live grenade and it made no damn sense. When it came time to questioning, then Larry can get all nervous about Jack. But he warns Renee that Jack may kill her over updating him on Tony's actions! And don't even bring up Senator Mayer. What a useless character created to make us realize that everything Jack does is awesome because if you don't agree you're like this guy.

The Seventh Season of 24

So now we have the uncomfortable years. Days 7 and 8 just never felt right; I would assume it is because my mind had already realized that the show had gone past its prime. 24 didn’t have the common decency to either go away or become hilariously awful. Instead it just went along with business as usual except they had done everything already and were just repeating themselves. Their big hooks for the 7th season were Jack being on trial and the ongoing story with Tony. One of them was brain splitting annoying and the other took one of the remaining great characters and turned him evil for shock value. Damn you 24!

Like I said, the main selling point for this season was Jack Bauer being under investigation for his tactics. This meant the extremes of Jack’s actions were talked about over and over and over and over again. And since this is 24, everyone that is anti-Jack comes of like a douche bag. It didn’t matter if it was Mayer, Larry, Renee, Janis, Taylor, or anyone else who opened their mouth, I wanted them all to go away before a word left their lips. You can’t spend 6 years of Jack saving the world with his bare hands and then expect me to question how he did it! This is not the real world in any fashion. In the 24 universe there are constant attacks on American soil with every single President’s life constantly in danger, Jack Bauer was practically a superhero. I don’t want to think about this anymore. Now did Jack do anything cool this season? Well he rocked a trench coat for the first few hours, so there is that. The classic scenes were Jack interrogating Tony, Jack faux-executing Renee, Jack’s disgust when Taylor questions his loyalty, Jack crying next to Bill’s dead body, and Kiefer’s acting when Jack was falling to pieces. I have to make an important distinction on the last one, because Kiefer was awesome but I had no interest in the plot itself. I never believed this was how Jack would die so the tension never worked for me. Plus it took Jack Bauer out of play for too many hours at the end of the season. This is the Jack Bauer show and need Jack Bauer to be doing stuff for my entertainment.

The return of Tony Almeida was the other highlight for Day 7. There is so much I can complain about here but in the end I was still happy to see Tony running around again. 24 may have been a hyper-violent reality with borderline future tech but it was still the real world. They had never done something like bringing a dead character back to life. Yes Jack had flat lined before but he was revived on camera immediately. Tony was killed in a government building in the middle of the day but somehow they lost track of his body and didn’t realize he was actually alive. Fuck that shit. But fine Tony is back and we are going to get to see him play Jack’s wingman once again … nope we get dark Tony. He may have worked with Jack throughout the day, but they never let go of the idea that Tony was hiding ulterior motives. And in the end, Tony was drunk with dead baby rage and was willing to burn the world down in order to get vengeance. What a wasteful end to one of the remaining original characters.

Skipping Redemption there were only a few returning characters in Day 7. The most important one was Bill Buchanan. I have not made it a secret that Bill is the goddamned man so I should be angry at his death. But I’m really not; it was a solid ending to his storyline. He was stupidly fired at the end of Day 6 so in his spare time he grew out his hair and created a clandestine CTU. Sure I’ll buy it. And we got to see him in the field for the first time so that rocked. And his death was both very noble and a phenomenal moment for Jack. You’ll be missed Bill! After a season where she was used poorly, Day 7 follows up the misuse of Chloe by barely using her. I know Mary Lynn Rajskub gave birth during the filming of this season but I don’t care about real life! I need Chloe on 24 or it just doesn’t feel right. At least we got her scene where Chloe tries to talk to Jack after finding out he is going to die. Aaron Pierce pops up as usual but he got saddled with Olivia Taylor so the less said the better. Man he can’t catch a break, first Martha Logan now Olive Taylor … no wonder he doesn’t come back in season 8. After those 3, all that is left is Kim Bauer. I’m sorry ... these few hours do not make up for everything that happened previously. But at least she didn’t dig any deeper. Sometimes that is all you can ask for.

Although many of them first appeared in Redemption, there were a tremendous amount of new characters introduced in the 7th season. The most important were Renee Walker, Allison Taylor, and the Ethan Kanin. Renee is one of those times were 24 just tried way too hard. People had a problem with Chase in season 3 because he felt like a future Jack replacement, well if that is the case Renee was that squared. The entire day was the corruption of Renee Walker. She starts as someone disgusted with Jack’s tactics but ends the day throwing away her career because torture was the only way. She never worked for me and Day 8 will not improve matters. Allison Taylor is the new President and completely fine. I never really had an opinion one way or another with Taylor. Until her asinine actions at the end of the last season, she was just a solid President on 24. Somewhere in between David Palmer and Charles Logan. Ethan is a bit of a cheat because he was in the Cabinet during Day 6 but he moved up to Chief of Staff for this season and that is always an important role. In the end, some of the best work on the political side always comes from the Chief of Staff position. Ethan belongs in the same class as your Mike Novicks and Tom Lennoxs; even when he was saddled with the Olivia plot line, Bob Gunton got the job done. There were many others that should be mentioned. Larry Moss was given the CTU director role but now at the FBI. It was odd because I kept feeling like I should dislike him more than I did. But removing the stick up his ass for Jack, Larry was quite serviceable in the management position. Janis Gold was the usual new tech that usually gets to interact with Chloe but until the end of the day there was very little of that. She had the usual quirks that the techs are always given except this time she was Janeane Garofalo. Besides Taylor and Ethan, I really liked Karen Hayes’ replacement, Tim Woods. This was mainly because I hated Karen Hayes so much. On the other hand, I despise Olivia Taylor. She was an awful character that constantly did awful things and acted smugly about it. I was counting the seconds until her comeuppance.

There was the usual assortment of villains during Day 7. You had the Sangalans, Dubaku and Juma, during the first half of the day. Then it was handed over to clichéd shady white men doing shady things behind the scenes. The difference this time was that they casted Jon Voight and Will Patton. Voight was brought in to be Jon Voight and he gave us all the Jon Voight we could handle. It was a solid season for villains on 24 and I still think killing off Emerson so quickly was a waste. He had potential as someone in between and Jack and Tony but they killed him off then sidelined Tony for a quarter of the season. An odd choice.

The seventh day of 24 ultimately falls in the body half of the rankings but felt like a ray of sunshine after Day 6. It was a too little too late for some of the changes, moving out of LA, removing CTU, etc., that would have been welcomed earlier in the series. But in the end it was still Jack Bauer running around and shooting bad guys so I was satisfied.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 7: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

Final Hour

Returning Characters:

Final Hour II

Key Moments:

  • Jack sneaks under a garage door and closes it behind him when Tony starts shooting. Jack spots a gas leak from Tony’s bullets. Tony uses a forklift to open the garage door. Jack tries to immolate himself in the gas but Tony kicks the flare out of his hand and knocks him out.
  • Pierce brings Ethan back to Olivia’s office for the confrontation. Ethan plays the recording and Pierce is disappointed in his new friend. He leaves the room. Olivia goes into politick mode but Ethan has no interest in that. His demand is for Taylor to know what happened.
  • Jack is cuffed to a fence and berating Tony. Tony tells him that he has no intention of killing Jack for the virus. He has been tracking Alan Wilson for years. He is the man behind Charles Logan, which means he is the man behind his wife’s death. We get his lunatic explanation for his actions today. He then tells Jack that he isn’t going to kill Alan, Jack is. He straps a bomb vest to Jack.
  • Alan arrives and Tony and Cara head out to meet him. Alan stays in the limo as Tony and Cara are searched. They are cleared and Alan hops out of the limo. Cara is allowed to walk all the way to him while Tony is held back. Jack is retrieved and Tony starts fingering the trigger, as Jack gets closer to Alan. Before Jack can go boom, Renee arrives by helicopter. Alan’s men open fire. Jack escapes but has another seizure. Tony blows up some barrels to cause chaos then chases after Alan and Cara. Renee lands and goes straight to Jack. He tells her about the bomb but she easily disarms it. He explains Tony’s intentions. Alan calls for an extraction when Tony arrives. Cara runs to him and Tony hugs her and shoots her in the stomach. He runs at Alan and delivers his monologue. He beats on Alan and we find out that Michelle was pregnant. Tony screams in rage but before he can fire Renee shoots him in the shoulder. He keeps crawling for the gun and Jack pleads with him to stop. He doesn’t stop so Jack shoots him in the hand. Tony gives the wild screams as he is dragged out of the room. He yells that Jack is one of them now and he ran away. Jack falls to the ground as the virus is winning the battle.
  • Renee acts all smug in telling Alan what he will be charged with. She doesn’t react well to his confidence that there is no evidence to convict him.
  • Jack refuses the pain meds then dismisses the EMT when Renee pops up. She tells him what just happened with Alan. Jack tells her his philosophy; when he sees people in trouble he will do anything it takes … anything. He tells her that she is different because she took an oath to the FBI. Jack says his mind loses out to his heart. He has to make the choices he can live with and that means torture whomever it takes to save lives. 24 hours later Renee is touched by hearing how Jack Bauer ticks. It doesn’t make up for treating him like shit the whole day!
  • Olivia explains what she did to her parents. Henry supports his daughter but Allison is the President.
  • Macer tells Jack that he is degrading faster than expected because the virus was weaponized. He refuses the morphine. The Imam reappears. Jack has so many regrets that he can’t deal with it. The Imam comforts him as Jack cries. This seems to put Jack at peace. He says, “it’s time” and closes his eye.
  • Taylor tosses Olivia under the bus for murder. She leaves the remains of her family to cry in the hall. Ethan walks up to comfort his President. He agrees to take back his job as Chief of Staff.
  • Renee tortures Alan off camera.
  • Kim arrives but Jack is already in a coma. Gohar tells her that Jack is at peace. Kim says that she isn’t and wants the crazy treatment. She tells the comatose Jack that she is sorry but she is not ready to let him go.


  • So yes, the running plot for Day 7 is Jack corrupts Renee to the point where she must torture Alan to be able to live with herself. Thanks for that.

Running Totals:

The healing power of Jack tears: 1 (13)

  • Jack even cries over himself.

Day 7: 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

Skip II

Key Moments:

  • Olivia is being questioned on the Hodges’ leak.
  • Cara tells Jack to get ready to make his move.
  • Kim spots some blood on Bob’s neck and gets suspicious.
  • Jack pulls his gun and makes threats towards Renee. He shoots an agent in the foot and tells the driver to cuff himself to the wheel. He then has the driver pull a stunt to escape the trailing vehicles. Jack just flat out tells Renee what is going on with Kim, which pisses off Tony. HA! The transport pulls up behind Cara. Tony cuffs the agent and Jack cuffs Renee. He pleads with her to save Kim. Tony tosses Jack in the back of Cara’s car. He then tells her that Jack is the bioweapon they want.
  • Pierce explains his suspicions about Olivia to Ethan. Ethan agrees to break into his old office to access the recordings.
  • Olivia walks into her office and finds Ethan waiting for her. After he leaves, she figures out what he accessed and calls an alert for Ethan to be arrested.
  • Renee updates Janis and Chloe.
  • Kim gets called up to standby and is handed a phone call from Renee. She gives her the update but Kim has to end the call when Bob shows up. Kim spins a lie and rejoins Bob and Sarah. Everyone realizes that the lie has been exposed, so Bob starts shooting the guards converging on their seats. Sarah puts a knife on Kim. Kim stabs her in the leg with her hidden knife and then she is shot and killed by an airport cop. Bob runs and Kim calls Renee. Renee tells her that they need Bob to find Jack.
  • Ethan is being held in a dank dark room. Olivia walks in and demands the recording. She is a complete cunt to the end. Ethan refuses but a Secret Service agent searches him and finds it. Olivia destroys the disc and Ethan is lead out of the White House. He meets Pierce on the way out and he hands him the real data card.
  • Tony and friends arrive at their hideout and Jack is dragged away by some lab coats. Tony tells Jack that they are going to harvest the bioweapon from his system. Jack is immobilized. Tony tells Cara that he wants a bigger role in the organization. He tells her to contact Alan so he can make his pitch personally. Jack gets a spinal tap and screams.
  • Renee arrives at the airport but Kim is nowhere to be found.
  • Kim is tracking the limping Bob who was shot earlier. Kim finally grew a brain and tells the first cop she sees what is going on. Bob driving at her and shooting the cops interrupts her call to Renee. One of the cops hits Bob in the neck and he flips his car spectacularly. Kim goes after the laptop as the car catches on fire. Bob grabs her but is pinned underneath the wreckage. Kim frees herself and tells Rene they can back trace the camera.
  • Ethan listens to Olivia’s assassination conversation with Martin.
  • Tony is told that they will be able harvest the virus from Jack but will need his live organs to do it.
  • Cara updates Alan and makes the pitch for Tony. Alan is convinced and will be there in a half hour.
  • Even dead on a hospital bed, Jack can’t be stopped. He jumps up and kills all the doctors. When he gets outside an alarm is set off. Tony and Cara chase after him.


  • I'm glad that after all these years Kim conceals a weapon on her at all times because she is the daughter of Jack Bauer. That should be the first things given to a new Bauer ... baby's first switchblade.

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 3 (227)

  • Jack takes out all the doctors one even gets his throat slit with a scalpel.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 7: 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

  • Bob (Don McManus): Kim sure knows how to pick strangers to be friends with.
  • Sarah (Mary Page Keller): The other part of the killer fake nice couple.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Cara calls Alan and tells him that they will hit the subway station within the hour.
  • Tony puts a comm. piece in Jibraan’s ear. All he tells him to do is get on a specific train.
  • Cara does her second fake Sydney Bristow impression as she puts on another wig and dons glasses. She puts the canister in a bag.
  • Jack tells Hamid that they will find his brother but Hamid doesn’t know anything about what he is doing. Jack turns to the stabbed thug and withholds his morphine. He tells Reneee to leave the room but she stays. Jack sticks his fingers in the dude’s stab wound! He eventually gives up that he has an emergency contact number for Tony. Jack puts the fear of god into him about warning Tony. Jack dials the number and the man lies well enough and Chloe starts tracking Tony. She needs time.
  • Jibraan takes the comm. unit out and tries to warn the subway staff. A random transit cop walks up and tells him to put the unit back in his ear. Tony gives him the one mistake and tells him to complete his task.
  • Pierce can’t find Olivia because she is outside bitching to Martin. He tells her that with his help no one will ever trace Hodges back to her.
  • Kim is on the phone with her husband telling him that her flight has been delayed. Her phone dies and she turns and sees a guy watching her from the shadows.
  • Jibraan is riding the rails. A conspicuous Cara turns on the canister and puts the bag under a subway seat. She gets off the train and calls Tony with the update.
  • Chloe has found out Tony’s location. Jack's well thought out plan is to ram the hell out of Tony’s van multiple times. Tony smashes his mobile computer before Jack can grab him and choke him out. Jack nearly passes out from the exertion.
  • Chloe and Janis snipe over the possibility of gaining any data from Tony’s smashed computer.
  • Tony regains consciousness and Jack sends the agent away to talk to him alone. Jack just beats on him for half a minute before asking why he betrayed him. Jack pulls out his gun but they are both broken men and Jack lowers it. Janis cracked the computer and Chloe figures out that the station is the target. Renee pulls Jack away and they head out. Jack gets connected to Jibraan’s comm. unit. He identifies himself and asks him if he has a package. When Jibraan says he doesn’t, Jack tells him to look around the car. He then tells him to wait until all the passengers get out. Jibraan finds the bag and Jack tells him to open the bag. He finds the timer and Jack tells him to run it out of the station. When a transit cop stops him he just shows him the bomb to cause a panic and runs outside. Jack arrives and takes the handoff. He runs and tosses it into the containment unit. Jack thanks Jibraan and tells him his brother will be brought here. The pain overcomes Jack and Renee holds him.
  • Kim is still freaked out by the guy watching her so she sits down next to a nice couple. We find out that the shady guy is an FBI agent that Jack has watching Kim.
  • Cara calls Alan with the bad news. He wants Tony eliminated but she says he will not be in custody for long.
  • Bob heads to the bathroom and kills the FBI agent along the way.
  • Pierce is suspicious of Olivia’s actions so he calls Ethan. He asks if the recording equipment is still active in the Chief of Staff’s office. Ethan catches on and says he will meet Pierce in a half hour.
  • Olivia pays off the assassin.
  • Bob and Sarah make sure Kim is on the camera of his laptop. Cara calls Jack with the usual threats. Free Tony or Kim dies. She puts him on comm. so she can listen in.
  • Tony is loaded into the transport with many agents plus Renee and Jack.


  • How the hell did the containment unit arrive so fast? It was literally there in minutes!

Running Totals:

Torture doesn’t mean you can’t be creative: 1 (48)

  • Sticking fingers in stab wounds rings the bell.

Jack’s million-dollar dream: 1 (11)

  • Jack is kind to Tony and chokes him out instead of beating him unconscious.

Chloe drives a sane man crazy: 1 (20)

  • Janis wants a pat on the back from Chloe … HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Day 7: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

  • Muhtadi Gohar (Ravi Kapoor): An Imam that gets dragged into Jack’s world for a few hours. And in another 24 ass-covering, he will be at Jack’s side when he talks about his regrets.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Tony and crew are in the midst of setting up Jibraan. Jibraan realizes that he is being framed but Tony just tells him to follow what he says and Hamid will not die. Tony hands him a speech that he will deliver.
  • Chloe’s first search through the CTU data doesn’t kick out any suspects. Jack tells her to open it up to all Muslims in DC! Janis has a conniption but instead of yelling at her Jack tells her this is the plan Hodges detailed and if she knows a better way to track it now is the time. She shuts up but Jack loses his train of thought again. Chloe demands to know what is wrong and is finally told that Jack is dying. She finds Jack and just cries in front of him. I love Chloe. Jack just holds her hand and says he needs her.
  • The cops arrive while Jibraan is delivering his fake speech. Tony tells Jibraan to get rid of the cops and he lies his ass off.
  • Chloe’s expanded search kicks out the name Jibraan Al-Zarian but not an address. There is a contact name for a local Imam. Jack and Renee head out.
  • Martin arrives at the White House and Olivia tells him she wants Hodges dead.
  • Hodges is being set-up for witness protection.
  • Jack has his gun out when they knock on Gohar’s door. Renee goes with the more calm approach. Gohar answers the door and recognizes Jack. We get one more debate on Jack’s methods. Gohar doesn’t give up Jibraan’s address but Janis calls with the police report so they now have a location. Jack arrests Gohar and brings him along so he can’t warn Gohar.
  • The frame job is ready so Tony has Hamid woken up. He tells Jirbraan to lie to him and say that he is a terrorist. Hamid is left behind with one guard.
  • Olivia has second thoughts on murdering someone.
  • Chloe calls Jack and tells him that the evidence against Jibraan has been fabricated. Jack tells Renee and is pissed off that he didn’t see it. Gohar is surprised Jack can admit his mistake. He then forgives Jack and tells him it is never too late to find god.
  • Hodges is loaded into the transport vehicle and it blows the hell up.
  • Woods is in the Oval Office with the Taylors when he gets a call about Hodges’ death. Olivia excuses herself. Woods tells Taylor that it had to be an inside job. Olivia calls Martin and freaks out.
  • Jack and friends arrive at Jibraan’s place. They spot the guard watching Hamid. Jack tells everyone they need the hostile alive. Renee tells Gohar that Jack is dying but still better than anyone at this work. They kick in the door and throw a disorienting grenade. Hamid uses the distraction to break a mirror and stab the thug in the throat. Jack talks Hamid down and tells him that Jibraan is being set-up. Medic!
  • Tony tosses Jibraan into the back of a van and the thug inside is accessing the DC subway system.


  • Oh man this Imam storyline is so on the nose it is incredible. They knew Jack was going to be on his deathbed at some point so to make-up for years of mistreating Muslims Jack will look to an Imam for forgiveness.

Running Totals:

No cliches

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 7: 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

  • Jibraan Al-Zarian (Omid Abtahi): Tony’s fall guy. Another in a long line of "I’m sorry for all those storylines" Muslim characters on 24.
  • Hamid Al-Zarian (Rafi Gavron): Jibraan’s brother and Tony’s leverage.
  • Martin Collier (Leland Orser): Olivia’s fixer. A great actor cast in a wheelhouse role.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Macer is treating Jack who can’t speak because of his seizure. When Renee shows up, Jack is able to stutter out Tony as the bad guy. It is too late to save the 2 FBI agents Tony shoots to steal their SUV. Jack is beating himself up for trusting Tony and vouching for him. The dead agents are discovered and Jack says Tony is gone.
  • Tony arrives at a motel where Galvez is waiting for him. Galvez wants his money first before handing over the canister. The money is confirmed and Tony is given the bag. But when Tony opens the bag it just has telephone books and Galvez has a gun on him. Tony tosses the bag at him and beats the shit out of Galvez.
  • Woods tells Taylor that Hodges survived his suicide attempt and they found Hodges’ real lawyer dead. When Renee calls with Tony’s actions, Taylor offers up Hodges’ ramblings and suicide attempt as an explanation. She warns Jack that he still can’t torture Hodges but Jack says they can fake his death for him.
  • Cara arrives at the motel and we see that Tony has killed Galvez. Tony got the canister location out of him. He offers up a new plan of going on the attack with the bioweapon. He tells her to contact her shadowy group with his idea.
  • Oliva and Allison argue over Hodges being given a deal. Blah.
  • Cara offers Tony’s plan to the shadowy group. When she can’t get an agreement, Cara contacts Alan directly and pushes for him to support the plan. This works. Tony and Cara make out because all evil chicks have a sexy side on 24.
  • Jack and Renee arrive back at the FBI and Janis leads them to Hodges. He is pleading to die. Jack heads in and offers the deal. He tells him that if he doesn’t agree Jack will toss him out on the street so his family will be killed in retribution. Hodges starts detailing the group’s plans. They were going to use the bioweapon in a domestic attack and frame a Muslim group. Jack pushes for names but Hodges doesn’t know any. Jack calls Renee and pretends to be talking to the Washington Post. Hodges says that he only dealt with Cara. Jack leaves the room and tells Taylor that an attack is imminent. In order to find the Muslim group that will be targed, Jack tells Taylor that they need the CTU servers. Taylor agrees and Jack calls Chloe. He confirms that Bill is dead and then says he needs her help with the CTU data. She is sad but agrees. She hugs Prescott and wakes up Morris to tell him to get the hell out of DC.
  • Its Day 3 all over again as Jack is all sweaty and injecting himself. He briefs the FBI agents on their plan. Janis immediately bitches about using CTU tactics. Renee blows her off. Jack greets Chloe with a hug but doesn’t tell her why he is sweating and fucked up. He tells her about Tony and pushes her to agree that she is with him on pursuing Tony. She is reluctant but comes around.
  • Tony and Cara arrive at their patsy’s location.
  • The Al-Zarian brothers are randomly having a meal in the complete middle of the night and discussing the day’s events.
  • Tony and the gang head in.
  • Olivia calls Martin and we find out that he is the man she turns to for her real dirty business.
  • Janis is still bitching about CTU infecting their pure FBI world. Jack flips out on her but while berating her he thinks David Palmer is still President … don’t we all Jack don’t we all.
  • Tony moves into the apartment. Hamid is knocked out and Tony puts his gun on Jibraan.


Nothing to really make fun of

Running Totals:

No cliches

Day 7: 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

  • Cara Bowden (Amy Price-Francis): She seems to be the lead agent for the pinnacle of the shady cabal on 24.
  • Alan Wilson (Will Patton): After all these years, this is the top of the pyramid of shady white men running the United States. Will Patton is a solid choice for the role.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Hodges’ lawyer is getting ready to head to the White House when Cara and a thug kill her. Cara duplicates her fingertips to finish her game of dress up.
  • Janis tells Renee that she can’t get in touch with Larry.
  • Tony is setting up the scene of Larry’s death. Of course, he shoots himself in the side. Galvez calls and Tony tells him to wait for his call. The FBI pulls up and Tony lies on the ground. The EMTs get to work.
  • Kim tells Renee that she is leaving. Renee asks if she can change her father’s mind and Kim is amused by the thought. Janis calls Renee over and she finds out that Larry is dead. She is stunned but regains herself and says she is heading out to the scene to take over.
  • Jack is losing his thoughts and repeating himself during his debrief. The agent tells him to take a break. Jack spots the FBI agents gearing up and he asks Renee what is going on. She tells him that Larry is dead.
  • Tony has been treated and is spying on the FBI’s efforts to find Galvez. He calls Galvez and gives him the last location the FBI will search. He tells him to set a bunch of explosives in a building then lure the agents into the building and blow it up.
  • Renee hops in a helicopter and is immediately followed by Jack. He says he is going and that’s that.
  • Cara passes through White House security.
  • Taylor wants Hodges sent to the FBI for interrogation on his claims. Olivia is not happy because he killed her brother.
  • Cara is brought to Hodges and he recognizes her. She tells him that the cabal is angry. Hodges claims he is no threat because he doesn’t know anyone’s identities. She switches to pitching suicide as a way to protect his family. She slips him a pill.
  • Cara calls Alan with the update on Hodges and Tony.
  • Galvez calls Tony with the building where he is planting the explosives.
  • Jack and Renee are in the air. He tries to talk to her and we find out that early on in his career he lost 2 partners in a row and that is why he began working alone. She treats him like shit as usual. Tony visibly sighs when he sees Jack hop out of the chopper. Jack and Tony greet each other and Renee goes straight to Larry’s body. Jack takes a look then covers it up. Tony gets questioned on what happened. He starts telling his story and Jack immediately pokes holes in it. He comes to the conclusion that Galvez had help. Tony is annoyed.
  • Kim calls her husband and we find out that Jack has a granddaughter.
  • Jack starts seizing again and walks away from the camp. Tony watches as he makes an injection and asks Jack why he is out here. Jack tells him that Renee lost her partner and Jack thought he could help. Galvez killed an agent and calls in a location. Renee and the team head out but Jack stays behind because he is too messed up.
  • Hodges is lead out of the White House and loaded into his transport. He sees a tat on the soldier’s arm and asked if he served with any Starkwood men. They soldier says they were professional and well trained. With that moment of pride, Hodges takes the pill. The soldiers notice him keel over and switch their route to the hospital.
  • Renee and her agents arrive at the building and Glavez says he is on the top floor. Jack takes a call saying that there was a discrepancy in his debriefing. He can’t talk about it because Renee is moving in.
  • Jack realizes that the man calling in the location is nowhere near the building. He calls Renee and tells her that it is a trap. The building goes boom. He also tells the rest of the agents to maintain the perimeter.
  • Glavez heads into the bombed out building with the rest of the FBI agents. Jack and Tony arrive and Tony races into the building. Galvez passes the canister to Tony and starts rubbing blood all over himself. Jack finds Renee, who is okay, and she tells him that they knew this building would be swept last.
  • Tony brings Galvez out as if he is an injured agent.
  • Jack calls back the agent about the debriefing and is told that Tony lied about his source for the White House attack being dead. Jack spots Tony bringing Galvez into an ambulance. Tony tells the ambulance to go before turning to talk to Jack. Jack pulls his gun on Tony and demands to know why he lied. Tony denies and tells Jack that he is paranoid. Jack starts seizing and falls to the ground. Tony shows that he stole Jack’s meds. He says he never wanted Jack to be involved in this. EMTs arrive to treat Jack and Tony walks off.
  • Galvez kills the EMT working on him and pulls a gun on the ambulance driver.


  • I would like to know how Renee is spotless after being in the middle of building when a whole stash of C4 was detonated. My first thought is that she can't be killed but next season will take care of that.

Running Totals:

Cliche free

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 7: 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM

Characters Introduced:

  • Robert Galvez (Gabriel Cassus): Tony’s man on the inside of Starkwood.

Returning Characters:

  • Kim Bauer (7pm – 8pm episode of season 5)

Key Moments:

  • Jack and Tony are trying to figure out why the airstrike has not happened. Jack tells Tony he is being pulled but Tony spots a fuel truck. They realize this fuel is only used for missiles so Starkwood must be threatening Taylor. Jack tells Tony he will call the President.
  • Woods tries to get Taylor to explain why she called off the strike. She doesn’t give him anything but says that Hodges is coming to the White House. Jack’s call comes in. He tells her what he suspects and Taylor admits to it. Jack offers her another option of having Tony blow the fuel to destroy the missiles. She is scared of Hodges’ threat but does give Jack the classic go ahead without actually saying it.
  • Hodges and Seaton are walking through the White House.
  • Larry is told of the new plan and waits for the explosion to move in.
  • Jack tells Tony he can’t be detected and Tony gets to work.
  • Stokes and Galvez are at the fuel truck. The second Galvez walks away Tony walks up to Stokes holding the driver hostage. He disarms Stokes, knocks out the driver, and tells him to take him down to the fuel tanks.
  • Hodges and Seaton meet with Taylor alone. He denies working with Juma and gets to point. He wants Starkwood to be the 5th branch of the military. Taylor moves to dismiss him but Hodges gets stern.
  • Tony has finished setting his explosives and starts moving out of the underground with Stokes. When they get back outside, the truck driver jumps Tony. Stokes sets the alert before Tony can stop him. Chapman initiates the missile launch sequence. Tony knocks Stokes out and searches for the detonator he lost in the fight. He reaches it in time and sets off the explosives. Larry sees the huge explosion and moves in.
  • Woods calls Taylor out of her meeting with Hodges to tell her about the explosion. Taylor walks back in and has Hodges and Seaton arrested. Hodges is restrained from going after Taylor. He makes the classic rant the he is only a small part of something bigger.
  • Renee tells Jack that the bioweapon was incinerated. Taylor calls and updates Jack on what happened with Hodges. She thanks him and he changes the topic to helping out Tony. But halfway through the sentence he loses track. Jack losing control saddens Taylor.
  • Larry found Tony and he is okay. Renee updates him and says she has to go because Kim has arrived at the FBI. Tony hears Larry talk about Kim Bauer. Larry apologizes but he has to put Tony into custody.
  • Jack talks with Dr. Macer about how he is getting worse. She doesn’t have any treatment for his mental issues. He leaves and tells Renee that he needs to get on the record immediately before he can no longer remember it. She tells him that Kim wants to see him. He yells at Renee because Kim is the one thing left that will make his death more painful. She tells him that Kim has been looking for him all day. She was at the Senate hearings this morning. Jack agrees to see her.
  • Jack finds Kim in the FBI lounge. She actually opens with kind words … this is not the Kim Bauer I know. She has been looking for him for years. He tells her that he was trying to make it easier on her but she cuts him off and apologizes for being an absolute cunt to him over the years. I may be exaggerating. She wants to help him with the experimental treatment but Jack won’t allow it. Jack hugs her and the tears start but stop when he has another small seizure and tells Kim she has to leave. She leaves in tears and Jack fully breaks down.
  • Galvez is alive and killing FBI agents. He gets caught and his bag is searched. He has a canister of the bioweapon and the agent calls it in to Larry. Galvez jumps him and flees in a FBI vehicle. Larry updates Renee and hops in a chopper with Tony to chase after Galvez.
  • The chase is on and Janis finds Galvez. The helicopter puts the spotlight on it so Glavez pulls over and gets out. Larry has the helicopter land to continue the chase on foot. Galvez instantly kills the pilot. Larry and Tony hide as Galvez fires on them. FUCK! Galvez hits Larry in the vest with a shotgun blast. Tony checks on him as Galvez walks up from behind. Larry tries to get Tony’s attention but Tony just waves Galvez off then smothers Larry. Galvez shows Tony the canister. Tony tells him to hide and he’ll wait for the FBI and find him a way out of here.


  • Although the Tony turn was not out of nowhere, I still can’t accept it. It’s been over a year now and it still pisses me off.

Running Totals:

The healing power of Jack tears: 1 (12)

  • Jack is not strong enough to handle reconciling with his daughter.

Day 7: 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

None II

Key Moments:

  • Tony walks up and breaks down the hopelessness of their situation to Larry. Another batch of Starkwood soldiers arrives, this time including Hodges. Voight goes into full theatrical mode and gives Larry 5 minutes to leave. Renee looks to Jack for another option. Jack finds out about Knowles and calls him. They talk about what is going on and Knowles says he might know where the weapons really are.
  • Stokes and Hodges discuss the possibility of drawing on federal agents.
  • Jack talks to Tony and Larry. He needs Tony to stay behind. They need a diversion so Larry drags Seaton towards the chopper and gets a rifle butt for his trouble. Tony sneaks into the warehouse at that moment.
  • Tony meets up with Knowles. Tony calls for satellite support but Jack can’t answer because he is starting to break down. Renee answers and Tony starts moving.
  • Taylor talks with Jack. He believes a surgical airstrike will destroy the bioweapon.
  • Tony has reached the location and Jack has identified a warehouse that has been shielded. The door is locked and Janis needs to crack it. A truck drives by and Knowles shows himself to buy time. He starts arguing with them until Tony gets through the door. Jack falls to the ground with a seizure.
  • Hodges is told about Knowles’ whereabouts. He tells the guard to take him to his office and wait for his arrival. Chapman tells him the weapons will be ready in a half hour.
  • Olivia responds to Dellao’s blackmail by sleeping with him. She is a woman and this is 24.
  • Dr. Macer gives Jack an injection to treat his seizures. She tells him to continue to inject himself. Of course, we find that there is an experimental treatment using the stem cells of family members. Jack declines this option and walks out. Jack and Renee return to the floor and tell Tony to hurry because more guards are coming. Tony uses Jack’s Day 2 wall crawl neck snap on one of them.
  • Tony dresses in Starkwood gear and heads deeper into the warehouse. He rides the elevator with Chapman but plays it cool. He tells the FBI what he is seeing then transmits images of the weapon. Jack confirms it and Renee leaves to inform the military. Tony is told he has 10 minutes before the airstrike.
  • Hodges meets with Knowles. They both deliver speeches and Hodges wins when he brains Knowles with a whiskey bottle and tosses him over the ledge. Seaton calls with an update on the government’s strike plans. He also says they have 3 missiles ready and Hodges tells Seaton to call the President.
  • Olivia finishes up with Dellao and tells him that she has recorded their session and will send it to his wife. Nice lady.
  • Taylor and the Cabinet watch as the airstrike approaches Starkwood. Hodges call and wants to speak with Taylor alone. He tells her to call off the strike. She declines so he tells her that he has 3 missiles loaded with the bioweapon. He wants a face-to-face meeting in the White House.
  • Taylor runs back to the Cabinet to abort the airstrike.


In the middle of the boring section of the season.

Running Totals:

Jack's not doing anything so no cliches.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 7: 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Characters Introduced:


Returning Characters:

  • Sunny Macer (9am – 10am episode of season 3)

Key Moments:

  • The alien suits are at Jack’s location … HOLY SHIT DR. MACER! Bring back Chase! Jack tells Dr. Macer how he was exposed. Another great point where Jack takes off his shirt and Dr. Macer nearly gasps at his scars.
  • Hodges is waiting as the bioweapon is delivered to Starkwood. Stokes follows with Tony. Hodges tells Seaton that Tony will not talk. Chapman tells Hodges it will take 2 hours to get the weapons ready. This is too long.
  • Stokes is delivering the standard beating to Tony. Hodges tries polite then switches to threats but Tony won’t give up anything. Seaton calls Hodges over and recommends that they destroy the weapons before the government catches them. Tony hears this. Hodges yells at Seaton and sends Tony away.
  • Jack’s test results will be ready in 15 minutes.
  • Larry calls Taylor with what is going on at Starkwood. He recommends that they move on Starkwood immediately. Taylor assembles the Cabinet.
  • Larry tells Renee what has happened with the weapons and Jack.
  • Olivia asks Pierce to run her security detail. He says that he is retired but she will reinstate him. When Olivia walks away, we even get a small smile from Pierce.
  • The Cabinet gives Taylor no easy options in dealing with Starkwood.
  • Stokes questions Tony one last time before he goes executing. When Stokes pulls out his gun, Seaton shoots him in the back. He frees Tony but Tony doesn’t trust him and wants to know why. Seaton says Hodges has lost his mind. He wants immunity.
  • Jack gets his results on the way back to the FBI.
  • Renee rushes to greet Jack and thinks everything he is okay because he is not in quarantine. Jack tells her that he is positive but non-contagious. Renee gets a peak at Jack’s scars when he changes back into people clothes.
  • Seaton and Tony reach Seaton’s office. Hodges calls Seaton to update him on the weapons and Tony. Tony tells Seaton to make a secure call to FBI.
  • Larry takes Tony’s call. He is told about Seaton. Tony finds out that Jack is infected.
  • Taylor is told about the immunity deal. All of her advisors tell her to sign it and sign it she does using the power of Webex for another Cisco plug. Larry tells her that he can reach Starkwood in 10 minutes. Seaton gives him the warehouse location. Larry tells him to get Tony there so the FBI has a man on the ground. Jack wants in but Larry denies. He is kind about it but who knows when Jack will start falling apart.
  • Larry and his team are choppering in and will arrive at Starkwood in minutes. Tony is on the ground waiting for him when they land. They move on the warehouse. The meet no resistance and break into an empty space. Tony jumps on Seaton but Larry calls him off. Hodges watches the feed and compliments Seaton for buying them time.
  • Larry switches tactics to searching the warehouses when Starkwood arrives en masse. Jack recommends that Larry stand down. Stokes arrives and tells Larry to leave with not so veiled threats.


More boring than ridiculous

Running Totals:

Like I said boring

Day 7: 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Carl Gadsen (Connor Trinneer): Not so much poor port security man since he was allowing bad stuff to happen on his watch.
  • Stokes (Michael Rodrick): The lead Starkwood thug.
  • Doug Knowles (Chris Mulkey): Some sort of higher up within Starkwood who does not agree with what Hodges is doing.

Returning Characters:

Not here

Key Moments:

  • Larry calls Ethan with the update on Mayer. They argue over getting Jack involved.
  • Jack and Tony talk about the Starkwood situation. Jack asks if Tony is with him on this and Tony is extra shady but agrees.
  • Henry is recovering and Taylor is talking to him about what has happened. Ethan interrupts to tell her about Mayer and offers his resignation.
  • Jack and Tony are outside the port and realize they will need the records to find the container. They jump Carl and just use threats to get him in line.
  • Hodges is speaking with Stokes who is outside the port. Hodges tells him to wait a few more minutes for Quinn then move in. Seaton tells him that the board is ready. We then get a Jon Voight scene as he delivers a soapbox speech explaining how Starkwood needs to distance itself from the government.
  • Jack is going through the port records and explaining the situation to Carl. Carl doesn’t argue because he agreed to let some guys into the port tonight. He was told that it was stolen electronics. Jack tries to call the FBI but communications have been jammed. Jack and Tony start to get ready because they are here. Stokes calls Carl. Carl gets cold feet but Jack doesn’t have time for it and tells him to get out there. Carl makes Jack promise to keep him safe and Jack does. Tony gives a sigh when Jack does this. Jack wires Carl up and sends him out.
  • Carl opens the gate and answers Stokes’ questions. Stokes put him in the car as they head in. Tony tells Jack to forget about him.
  • A shitty scene takes place as Olivia gloats over Ethan’s resignation. The minute he leaves she calls Ken and tells him to update the story she leaked.
  • Larry starts to realize that the evidence at Mayer’s house doesn’t make sense. He calls Renee who is sitting in holding. He makes a small effort to meet her halfway but Renee still covers for Jack. When he actually pleads for her help, she gives him the name John Quinn.
  • Jack and Tony are watching from a distance. Tony says they should get to the car and track the container. Jack won’t sacrifice Carl. He runs after Carl when he is being lead to his execution. Tony tries to talk Jack out of blowing their operation but when the thug lifts his gun he falls to the ground from Jack’s bullet. I love Tony’s annoyance instantly switching to game time mode. The plan switches to stealing the truck. The dead thug is found and Stokes puts his men into motion. The shooting starts. Jack hits the main on the container controls. He starts swinging the container wildly causing it to slam into a bunch of other containers. He regains control and puts it onto the truck. Stokes tells the truck to go and Jack chases after it. Tony starts to make his escape. Jack jumps on top of the moving truck. Stokes captures Tony.
  • Jack calls Larry and gives him the update and his location. Some alarms on the container starts going off. Jack realizes there is a leak inside the container. He holds his breath and heads in. Jack turns off the leak and locks the container before breathing again. Stokes arrives with helicopter support and Jack makes a break for it. The helicopter takes the weapon from the container and flies off. Stokes retakes the truck and updates Hodges. Jack calls Larry to tell him what happened and to say that he has been exposed.


  • On the surface, I don’t have a problem with Jack being exposed to the bioweapon. But once I thought about it, I know they are going to say how horrible and deadly it is but in the end Jack will survive. Its not that Jack will never die; its more about Jack will never die because of this.

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 3 (224)

  • Jack doesn’t rack up a huge number at the port.

Damnit!: 1 (13)

  • Jack loses the bioweapon.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 7: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Ken Dellao (Tim Guinee): Olivia’s reporter friend.

Returning Characters:


Key Moments:

  • Jack is hiding from cops and breaking into cars. Someone left a sweet laptop on the passenger seat so it is now Jack’s car and laptop.
  • Morris is giving Janis shit because no one will tell him where Chloe is. Larry calls Janis with what happened. Renee makes Janis tell her what is up with Jack.
  • Jack is going through the footage from the hospital. He finds Quinn’s image. He calls Renee and sends her the image looking for an id. He pleads for her help.
  • Quinn hears that Jack is still loose and calls Hodges. I love that Hodges is continually impressed with Jack’s skills. Seaton says the shipment will arrive in an hour but doesn’t seem happy about things. Hodges spots this hesitation and gives a speech about war and collateral damage.
  • Renee ids Quinn and calls Jack with the information. She gives him the lowdown on Hodges’ company, Starkwood. She recommends that he speak with Mayer since he went after Starkwood after CTU.
  • Larry is back at the FBI and walks straight into Renee’s office. She is able to send Jack Mayer’s information while speaking with Larry.
  • Larry then goes to Janis to check up on Renee since he believes she is in contact with Jack.
  • Ethan updates the Taylors on what happened with Jack. He takes responsibility.
  • Renee is trying to leave the building but Larry stops her and they argue in the hall. She doesn’t give up Jack.
  • Mayer arrives back at his house. He realizes something is amiss and Jack does the door closing reveal. Mayer is his usual dickishness but Jack will not be denied. He explains his belief that Starkwood is involved with the day’s events. This gets Mayer talking. He says there is no connection to Sangala but Jack wants to go over the files.
  • While Taylor gives her speech to the public, Ken confronts Ethan about Jack Bauer. He blows him off and immediately confronts Olivia over her leaking it to the media.
  • Janis tells Larry she can’t crack Renee’s encryption. She says both of the O’Brians are qualified to do it. Larry talks with Morris. Larry is a dick and leans on Morris by threatening Chloe. Morris decrypts the file in seconds and throws in a couple of digs at the system just like Chloe did. Larry sends everyone to Mayer’s address.
  • Chloe is pissed at Morris for selling out Jack. Morris says he thought their son deserved to have a mother in his life.
  • Jack and Mayer talk about Jack’s work. Jack admits to having regrets but they are not the shit Mayer has been accusing him of. Jack finds evidence that Quinn was involved in the killing of one of Mayer’s sources. The source had claimed that Starkwood was trying to get a bioweapon. Jack says this makes sense because his sources in Sangala said Juma was testing bioweapons in certain villages. There is a knock on the front door and Jack grabs his knife. Mayer begs for some trust and convinces Jack to trust him. He answers the door and Quinn shoots him. Jack screams “NO!” and dives out the window. Quinn chases after him.
  • Jack is looking for somewhere to hide but is leaving a blood trail for Quinn to follow. Quinn enters a construction trailer and just starts shooting through all the walls. Jack uses a truck to tip over the trailer. He jumps out and another wicked fight, which is weird because Quinn is a mid-level thug. Jack tosses a screwdriver into his chest and then takes the time to question him. Quinn tells him that the weapons have already arrived. Jack accesses Quinn’s phone to get the address for the delivery.
  • Larry finds Mayer’s dead body and raises the level on Jack.
  • Jack calls Tony for help.


Solid hour

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 1 (221)

  • Jack is creative when he kills Quinn.

Day 7: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Tom Chapman (Philip Anthony-Rodriguez): Hodges’ lead tech guy.

Returning Characters:

  • John Quinn (24: Redemption)

Key Moments:

  • Hayworth still won’t authorize the assault on the White House.
  • Olivia is apologizing to her mother as they share a hostage moment. Allison tells her to be ready. Jack tells Bill his plan; he has released gas into the safe room that will ignite when a gun goes off near it. He will make a break to draw fire and the explosion should take out most of Juma’s men. Why do all of Jack’s plans in these moments usually end with him dying? He tells Bill to be ready to protect the President. He tells Mayer to shut up when he butts in.
  • Juma tells Taylor about the speech she will give. She agrees but tells him to release the hostages first. Juma says okay takes a hostage and shoots him in front of her. Juma is kind of a badass. She takes the speech and begins reading it into the camera.
  • Hayworth wants this taken off the air but it is told that they can’t shutdown the internet. Larry pushes for the assault but continues to be denied.
  • Bill tells Jack that Juma is working with someone on the outside. He says Jack is the only one that can track this down and protect the President. After he says this, he tackles a guard into the safe room, takes his gun, and fires it into the air. A huge explosion rips apart everything. Larry moves in without Hayworth’s authorization. Jack gets to work on the remaining Juma soldiers. He calls out to Pierce to protect Taylor. Jack continues to fire as Pierce takes the Taylors to safety. Juma tells one of his men to kill the hostages. Mayer sees him come into the room and screams; Jack kills the man saving Mayer’s life. He walks up to Juma to arrest him but when Juma grabs his shotgun Jack kills him. The White House is secure. Jack sits and cries by Bill’s body. SILENT FUCKING CLOCK FOR BILL FUCKING BUCHANAN. You goddamn right.
  • Taylor refuses to leave the White House.
  • Maybe just maybe Renee finally realizes who Jack is as she sees him mourn over his friend. Jack doesn’t like that Bill sacrificed himself when it was supposed to be Jack. Jack brings his suspicions to Larry. Larry responds by arresting Jack. Renee tries to support Jack and Larry yells at her.
  • Ethan arrives back at the White House and Renee stops him to tell him Jack’s idea.
  • Hodges and Seaton discuss Juma’s failure. They are tense but Seaton tells him that the shipment will be ready for pickup in a couple of hours.
  • Larry is waiting to put Jack on a helicopter out of the area. Ethan calls and tells him to send Jack to question Burnett. Ethan says this is on his authority not the President. He doesn’t care about Larry’s objections.
  • Ethan and Taylor greet each other in a nice moment. She wants to bring Olivia into her administration since they just lost a bunch of people. Ethan argues against it because Olivia did some dirty shit during the election. Taylor has already decided and wants Ethan to talk to Olivia to create peace between them.
  • Larry is pissed and just stares at Jack. Renee talks with Larry and apologizes but says that Jack has been right all day. He tells her that he is going with Jack and she can head back to headquarters and pack her shit because she is suspended. Larry gives Jack shit as they fly to hospital where Burnett is being treated.
  • Hodges is talking about targets with Chapman for some attack he is planning. Seaton tells him about what Jack is doing. He tells him that he sent Quinn to handle it. Hodges says Quinn is good but so is Jack in a bit of mild interest to see who wins.
  • Jack and Larry are in the hospital but will need to wait for Burnett to come out of sedation.
  • Quinn is also in the hospital and smothering the elderly. The beeping code clears out the nurses and he accesses their computer to download a schematic. He climbs into the crawlspace.
  • Olivia checks in on Pierce. She tries to talk to him about Martha but he cuts her off on that topic. Thanks for that. Ethan catches up with her afterwards. He offers her an advisor role to her mother. She admits she was wrong in the past but attacks him for failing her mother with today’s events. Deep breathes; just remember that she will get what’s coming to her.
  • Larry warns Jack one last time before he heads into Burnett’s room. Quinn is still in the crawlspace. Burnett wakes up and nearly jumps out of his bed when he sees Jack standing over him. While Burnett begs, Quinn starts screwing with the monitoring equipment. Quinn drops some gas into the room and Jack falls to the ground. Quinn drops in and gets to work. He puts Jack’s prints on some jagged glass and then kills Burnett with it. Jack wakes up as Larry comes running. Jack climbs into the ductwork before Larry can break into the room. Larry calls an alert for Jack. Jack knocks out a security guard and grabs the footage. Quinn calls Seaton to tell him Burnett is dead and Jack is the lead suspect. Jack calls Larry to explain what happened. Jack starts running through the streets.


Great hour

Running Totals:

Jack’s body count: 6 (220)

  • Jack sweeps through most of Juma’s men after Bill’s sacrifice.

The healing power of Jack tears: 1 (11)

  • When Bill died, I cried with you Jack.

Jack loves America not Americans: 1 (37)

  • Poor hospital security guard just sitting in his chair.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 7: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Characters Introduced:

  • Greg Seaton (Rory Cochrane): Jonas’ right hand man. This is a weird performance because he never seems to be comfortable with what Hodges’ is doing but helps him to the bitter end. And we are talking treason charges at the bitter end.
  • Mitchell Hayworth (Cameron Daddo): 24 has a really poor view on Vice Presidents. They are either scheming or pussies. Hayworth is a pussy.

Returning Characters:

  • Jonas Hodges (24: Redemption)

Key Moments:

  • Juma’s team is out of the water and gearing up.
  • Ethan updates Olivia and Pierce that there will be an imminent attack. She dislikes Ethan for some reason.
  • Larry calls Taylor to tell her that Juma is in DC and leading the attack.
  • Renee runs through some bushes and finds a park ranger. He tells him to call in the White House as the target. But before this can happen, Laurent kills the ranger. Renee continues to run.
  • Bill updates Jack on what they know but tells him that the Attorney General is moving fast with Jack. Jack berates him and tells him to interrogate Burnett to get the information. Bill tells him that he can’t because he isn’t Jack.
  • Juma’s men are welding through bars in the sewers. Juma has a man on the inside of the White House. He kills another worker and clears a wall for Juma. Juma and his team blow through the wall and enter the White House. They start moving through the halls killing Secret Service along the way to Taylor.
  • Larry finds the dead ranger that Renee spoke to.
  • Laurent catches up to Renee so she tells him that Juma had his father killed. He doesn’t believe her so she attacks him with a shovel. Laurent regains the upper hand, but Larry arrives and shoots him.
  • Larry calls Bill with the information that the target is the White House. Bill calls the code through the White House. Jack gives Bill his word so he is freed and armed. Taylor is grabbed by Secret Service, while Pierce grabs Olivia. Jack is apart of the team taking Taylor to the safe room. Bill removes Taylor’s tracking device and starts running in the opposite direction. Juma’s team is tracking the device and goes after Bill. They catch up to Bill and realize Taylor took off her tracker; Juma doesn’t have him killed because he needs hostages.
  • Another team of Secret Service agents enter the White House and engage one of Juma’s teams.
  • Pierce calls Jack and tells him that he won’t be able to get Olivia to the safe room. Jack gets Taylor inside the safe room at the same time Juma’s team attacks. The other agents are killed and Jack locks himself and Taylor in the safe room. Jack loses communication with Pierce. Juma shoots the door to prove that it is armored.
  • The Juma squad engaging the Secret Service agents is being overrun, so Juma calls the lead agent and tells him that he is holding the President. The Secret Service has to back off to preserve Taylor’s life. Juma tells his men to bring all the hostages and lock the exits down.
  • Pierce and Olivia are hiding in a vent. They hear that the Secret Service have pulled back and Pierce recognizes Juma’s bluff.
  • One of Juma’s men starts working on the safe room lock. He says Hodges gave them the specs and he should be able to crack it in 15 minutes.
  • Larry arrives at the White House and the lead Secret Service agent tells him that only the Vice President can authorize a strike on the White House when the President is in danger.
  • Taylor watches on camera as all the hostages are brought together. Jack tells her that Juma came here ready to die. Jack spots the guy working on the lock and shorts the lock to prevent him from getting in. Juma’s man tells him about the setback and also tells him that explosives wouldn’t even work. Juma calls Hodges with his problem. Seaton picks up the call and Bill watches Juma calling someone for help. Juma threatens whatever deal he has with Hodges, so Hodges tells him that Olivia is in the White House. Juma tells him that his shipment will arrive as planned. Juma sends his men after the President’s daughter. Mayer is a hostage next to Bill and he starts whining but Bill just ignores him.
  • Olivia refuses to hide so she joins Pierces as he tries to send a message out of the White House.
  • Larry talks with Hayworth and tells him he believes Taylor is in the safe room and wants to assault Juma. Hayworth wants 100% confirmation that Taylor is safe before agreeing.
  • Pierce is shot by one of Juma’s men. He kills him but tells Olivia that they will be coming soon. He tells her how to get the message out. She gets into the room and starts flashing light out of the window but is caught before finishing the message.
  • Juma is told about the camera that Taylor can see in the safe room. He places a chair in front of it and plops Olivia into it. He starts threatening her with a knife. Taylor demands that Jack opens the door. Juma makes one last threat but stops when the doors start opening. Jack walks out with his hands above his head. Taylor tells Juma to let everyone else go. Juma smacks her and says she will be delivering one last statement.


Another all main plot hour

Running Totals:

Human beings still eat?: 1 (8)

  • Hodges was enjoying his dinner when Juma calls for help.