Although we are nearly a decade in on the zombie resurgence, Zombieland proves that there is still fertile ground to be found. The fact that this was more of a comedy than an action flick was not enough to make it memorable, it was more about the strength of Woody Harrelson and the Bill Murray cameo and and the slick opening credits.
What I really appreciated about Zombieland was that it established a world completely overrun by zombies and never even spent a second fixing it. We just followed 4 people on their adventures; that’s it. The actual zombies were secondary and just in the background for the majority of the story. Every couple of scenes one of them would be killed in a spectacular fashion but very little time was wasted putting the characters in danger. It was nice not being introduced to a large group of characters then watching each one of the die every few minutes.
I already mentioned the opening credits but it deserves repeating. The visual style for the title sequence was the most memorable part of the movie. That is not a joke or a backhanded compliment. Then again my excitement over Woody Harrelson's performance may be backhanded because Woody greatness is not as frequent as I would prefer. I'm not okay with the fact that I was so happy to see Abigail Breslin here. I need to stop supporting child actresses because I am going to end up on some government list. And enough has been said about the awesomeness of Bill Murray. Doesn't make it not true; it just means I don't need to say anything about it. Okay one quote, "Do you have any regrets?" "Garfield maybe..."
Zombieland was a nice diversion to pop up in the doldrums of the fall. I may be growing tired of zombies, but this felt completely different and legit funny. Good times.
8 out of 10
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