Characters Introduced:
- Mikhail Novakovich (Graham McTavish): Another solid actor brought in to the 24 universe. We needed more Russian villains this season and why not turn to the Russian delegate at the UN.
Returning Characters:
Key Moments:
- Dana is trying to escape the building when security stops her because of new restrictions Hastings has put in place.
- CTU is scrambling when Chloe finds the car that got out of the garage. Hastings updates Taylor who in turn updates the Hassans. She leaves them to meet with the Russian delegate, Novakovich. He tells her that if Omar Hassan dies Russia will not be signing the treaty. This leads to more political games.
- Renee arrives back at CTU and pulls Chloe aside. She tells him about Jack’s theory then she calls Jack. Jack sends Chloe Tarin’s cell data.
- Dana lies her way into Hastings’ system and starts fabricating the access she needs to leave CTU. Chloe calls Hastings with what she is doing for Jack. Tarin’s cell called a CTU number and Chloe traces it to Dana.
- The alert goes out when Dana is clearing security. She shoots about 4 agents and runs into the garage. Cole gets updated by Hastings and makes a break for the garage. Dana is running and gunning through the garage. She gets into her car and starts driving but Cole appears and shoots out her tires. He drags her out of the car but Hastings pulls him off before he can do too much damage. When Hastings asks about Hassan, she says she wants to talk to Jack Bauer.
- Cole is explaining what he knows and what he found out about Dana today to Hastings. He pleads to stay on but Hastings sends him off to be debriefed on everything he knows. Jack has arrived back at CTU.
- Renee updates Jack and Jack, Renee, and Hastings have a fun scene where they talk about Dana. Jack heads into the futuristic white room. She wants immunity and money … money? Jack is confused like the rest of us. Dana acts a bit too smug so Jack yokes her against the wall. But she won’t give up anything. Jack tells Hastings that they need to call the President whether or not she can be trusted.
- Hassan has been delivered to Samir. Ahman recommends killing him now but Samir wants him to admit to his crimes first. A drugged Hassan is placed in the murder chair. Samir met and believed in Hassan years ago and asks what happened to him. Hassan will not back down from his belief that peace is the correct path. He makes one last plea to trust him and Samir does not react well. He smacks him and tells him he will beg forgiveness for his betrayal. The injections begin.
- Taylor and Woods talk about the immunity agreement for Dana before Taylor signs it. She then heads into a hospital room to speak with Ethan. They talk about the bleak future of the peace treaty if Hassan dies.
- Hastings tells Cole that Dana is getting immunity. Cole is pissed but Hastings tells him to get over it. Jack wants him on the mission and Hastings passes him his gun.
- Dana is briefing Jack on Samir and the remains of his team. She provides the building but doesn’t know the apartment number. Jack tells Cole to get his men ready.
- A beaten Hassan is stunned back to consciousness. Hassan tells Samir he is wasting his time so Samir stuns him again. Samir tells Ahman to give him another injection but stops him and says he will read Omar’s crimes on the internet then kill him. Hassan smiles at his pyrrhic victory.
- When Taylor is updating the Hassans, Woods calls her over to tell her about the internet feed of Hassan’s trial.
- Chloe uses the internet feed to identify the side and floor of the building. Jack briefs the CTU agents on their mission before sending them out to their positions. He tells Renee he wants her with him even though it goes against his wishes for her.
- Cole and another sniper take out the 2 men on the roof. Jack and his team move into the building. Jack takes out a man at the top of a staircase. The trial is still going on as Jack and crew move through the building. An agent is going door to door with a listening device. The find the room and Jack picks the lock. There is a little girl on a couch and when her mother walks into the room, Jack tosses her on the couch as Renee takes the kid out of the apartment. Jack finds a hidden room behind a closet. Renee spots a wig on the floor and shoots the woman before she can grab her hidden gun. Jack finds the trial room and kills the 2 men in it and shoots Samir in the shoulder when he runs in from another area. They are too late though because Jack finds a recording playing the trial to the internet. He turns around and finds Hassan has already been executed. His neck was violently cut. Jack says he is sorry and closes Hassan’s eyes. The execution is played online and Taylor reacts poorly. Jack tells Hastings that it was prerecorded. Taylor is saddened and pissed and walks out to apologize to the Hassans. Omar Hassan gets a silent clock.
- Hey Jack … how about you destroy the recording equipment before it replays Hassan’s execution to the world!
Running Totals:
Torture doesn't mean you can't be creative: 1 (51)
- Has gets your basic needle with pain liquid treatment.
Jack’s body count: 3 (245)
- Jack takes out a few of Samir’s men on his destined to fail mission.
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