Good lord, Dakota Fanning is a teenager and now I feel way too old. Not only that but she was nearly single-handedly responsible for me enjoying Push. The key word there was nearly because sadly Push was a barely a step above Jumper. Drunk Fanning can only take you so far.
I already mentioned Jumper and the reason for that is Push is disturbingly similar to that embarrassment. They both were dumped on the public in the dead period of Ferbruary, had stories based on people with super powers in the “real” world, gloriously ridiculous back stories, starred wooden young actors (Anakin Skywalker and The Human Torch), had Sam Jack and Djimon overacting to the limits of their ability, and were obviously created with a franchise in mind. Don’t hold your breath on that last one. Push gets my vote because of Dakota, better action sequences, and special effects. I’m actually serious about praising Fanning; she had solid timing throughout the movie. The powers, telekinesis, seeing the future, mind control, tracking, shadowing, material manipulation (or what is better known as shit you see in the X-Men) all looked good onscreen. Except the screaming idiots, Banshee’s powers seem much cooler in a comic book. Don't ask me to break down the story because I ain’t smart enough or I didn’t bring my bs to English translator.
I am mildly disappointed with Push. Not that I was banking on it being my favorite film of 2009, but it looked like it had a solid upside. But action movies are dumped in the first quarter of the year for a reason; the numbers don’t lie.
6 out of 10
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