My main problem with Taken is that I have seen this same exact movie multiple times before. But I can’t deny that it was fun to see Liam Neeson doing the standard heartless ass kicking. Does it make up for the fact that I could call out the scenes before they happened? Not really, but still Liam Neeson was torturing and murdering fools!
I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If you are offering me 2 hours of Liam Neeson running around France leaving bodies in his wake, there is no reason to turn that down. Lots of Jack Bauer style beatings, threats, torture, and killings. That’s always a good time. The action wasn’t groundbreaking, but it was all well done. Sadly, Neeson was the only likable character in the entire story. I was actively rooting against everyone else. I wanted his daughter to be kidnapped; I wanted his ex-wife to be put through that ordeal; I wanted her friend to be killed. Everyone was stupid and got what’s coming to them. Who the hell lets their 17 year-old daughter trail a band through Europe without adult supervision for a summer? How is the father in the wrong for being completely against this reckless bullshit? As for her friend, you get what’s coming to you if you are just giving out your personal information to random dudes in foreign countries. Still it was fun to see Xander Berkeley pop up as rich step-dad. I miss George Mason.
Taken was a solid 24-style action movie. Will I remember it come December? I doubt it. For now I don’t have strong enough objections to be negative about it. And really who doesn’t like Liam Neeson?
7 our of 10